Physiology, Superhuman/Supernatural

Power to acquire the physical body, powers, and feats of a superhuman. Sub-Power of Transcendent Physiology. The character is a supernatural being. Even his aura shows he is supernatural and demons, Devils, angels, and other supernatural creatures will regard him as such.

Game Terms

Bonuses: P.S. and P.E. attributes are Supernatural, add a bonus of 1D6+10 to P.S., 1D6+2 to P.E., and 1D4 to all physical or mental attributes (not both); apply applicable bonuses. +1D4x100 years to life span, +1 to save vs magic, +3 to save vs possession and Horror Factor, and is resistant to cold, heat and fire (half damage, unless it is one of the character's vulnerabilities). He can even survive at any depth of the ocean and in outer space for 10 minutes per P.E. attribute point.

M.D.C.: Add Hit Points and S.D.C. together, make them M.D.C. and add 3D4xl00 M.D.C. to them! (In S.D.C. settings the character is basically the same, but with !D4xl00 Hit Points, 2D4xl00 S.D.C, and has a Natural A.R. of 14.)

Natural Abilities: The character bio-regenerates at a rate of 3D6 M.D. per melee round, can breathe without air, magically understands and speaks all languages 98%, nightvision 200 feet (61 m),

P.P.E.: 4D6x 10+40.