Weapon, The Juggernaut

This is another purely offensive weapon. The mace has rather limited magic capabilities, but is capable of inflicting massive amounts of damage with smashing attacks. The mace is psionically linked to its owner and has been enchanted to return to its owner after being thrown or when dropped.

Weight: 10 Ibs (4.5 kg).S.D.C.: 250. Recovers 1D4x10 S.D.C. per day.Damage: The mace inflicts 1D6xlO damage with every strike plus the usual damage from the supernatural P.S. of its wielder. P.S. damage is not applied when the mace is thrown. In addition, every strike produces a sonic boom that emanates from where the Juggernaut has struck in every direction for 20 feet (6 m). Everything in that area, including friends, will suffer from the attack unless they are touching the holder - the holder is not affected by his own spell. When the boom is unleashed, victims will be temporarily deafened for 2D4 minutes and suffer the following penalties for the duration of that time: Lose two melee actions/attacks, are -8 on initiative, -3 to parry and dodge, and -25% on skill performance. Those caught in the blast will also be shaken by the shock wave of the boom, with a 01-40% chance of being knocked off their feet (lose another one melee action), while windows are rattled and livestock and children terrified.

Magic Powers: While holding the mace, the user is treated to a permanent Invulernability spell, and is impervious to cold, fire and all energy attacks, impervious to disease, poisons, toxins, gases, and drugs, and provides a form-fitting energy lield which appears as a glowing aura around the body (50 M.D.C). Once ihe 50 M.D.C. from the energy field are exhausted, the person will suffer normal damage to his own M.D.C. and/or Hit Points but remains invulnerable to the other things listed. Additionally, the invulnerable character is also +10 to save vs magic, psionic attacks and Horror Factor.

Each of the following spells can be cast two times a day with the standard amount of P.P.E. drawn from the mace's reserve. All spells are cast at the power level equal to an eighth level spell caster.

1. Thunderclap (5 P.P.E.); same as the spell.

2. Barrage (15); same as the spell

Range: 100 feet (30.5 m) +30 feet (9 m) per level. Duration: Seven seconds (approximately half a melee round). Damage: Two M.D. per each force blast. Unleashes three blasts +1 per level of the spell caster. Saving Throw: Dodge or parry. P.P.E.: Fifteen

This spell unleashes a succession of force blasts to hatter its intended target like a swarm of tiny comets striking one after the other. Each energy blast is visible, about the size of a softball with a vapor trail, and is fast moving. Once unleashed against a target, the "barrage" continues until all blasts are used up. Even if the victim runs, flies up, or dives for cover, the barrage will follow him like tiny guided missiles. However, because the blast pulses are reasonably large and visible, the character can try to dodge or parry them with a weapon. A successful dodge means the magical blast misses and dispels. A successful parry means it is batted away and the blast dispels without damage on impact. Of course, the down side is that the barrage of magic force will either strike, injure or distract the targeted victim, and probably cause him to spend his time and combat actions trying to defend against the attack!

In addition to taking damage (each blast that hits does two M.D,), the victim is distracted from events and activity around him (focused on the pounding attack) and is -3 to defend against any other attack(s) leveled at him during the barrage. Worse, even if the character stands his place and takes the pummeling of force, he loses two melee attacks/actions, because he can not take any offensive action (only parry and dodge) while being hammered by the barrage!

3. Targeted Deflection (15); same as the spell found in Rifts® Federation of Magic™.

After invoking this magic, the user can magically parry energy attacks/blasts with his arms and hands (a small field of energy momentarily appears around the hands and forearms). Best of all, he can deflect them in such a way that the attack is directed back at its source! Unless the attacker dodges, he takes full damage from his own attack and the mage takes none! To successfully return the attack to its source, the mage rolls to parry with a bonus of +3 (in addition to any P.P. and/or Targeting skill bonuses). A successful parry will block and deflect ihe attack harmlessly away. Any roll above a 13 will bounce ihe blast back at the attacker. The attacker can try to dodge the bounce-back energy blast, but does so without bonuses and must match or beat the mage's parry roll. A roll by the mage between 5-13 simply deflects the attack out of harm's way, a roll of 1-4 means a fumbled deflection and the blast hits the mage without it being deflected.

The spell caster can also try to deflect the blast at a different target, but does so wilhout any bonuses and needs a 16 or higher to strike. Note: Only energy blasts, including magical energy, can be deflected back at the aiiacker or. at others. However, ihe mage can parry and defied projectiles harmlessly away the same as the Deflect spell.

Rate of Fire: Two spells can be cast per melee. Each casting counts as one melee action.

Maximum Effective Range: Varies with the spell cast, or the mace can be thrown up to 500 feet (152 m) and returns after every throw.

Bonus to Strike: The mace is +1 to strike when thrown and in hand to hand combat.

Payload: Each spell can be cast up to two times per 24 hours.

Each casting expends some of the mace's P.P.E. supply.

Permanent base P.P.E. is 100 which regenerates at the rate of 20 per hour.

Saving Throw: All spells are cast at the level of an eighth level sorcerer and require a saving throw of 14 or higher when applicable.