Physiology, Demigod

The power to have the traits and abilities of demigods, either through either physical transformation

Also called Demigod Mimicry and Half-God Mimicry/Physiology


The user can gain the powers and traits of Demigods, mythological beings with partial, or lesser divine status. There are three forms of this power, with the user being able to assume only one:

    • Type I: Minor deities that are the weakest in the hierarchy of divine beings, also called "Physical Gods" due to the fact that they are usually limited to physical form. (This type of demigods are similar to powerful Meta-Humans.)

    • Type II: Mortal-God hybrids: people who gained this power through the union of a divine being and a mortal; their power will depend on their divine parent and what area they control.

    • Type III: Mortals who somehow became gods, or beings with power that approaches that of the gods even though they are not gods themselves.

Physical Appearance:

The character appears as the ideal male or female, transcending mere mortal looks for that of a mythological demigod. He or she is tall (six feet +2D6 inches/1.8 to 2 1 m), muscular strong and as handsome or beautiful as any super-model. Whether it is their inner beauty given physical manifestation or their body molded by their own sense of what a hero should look like, or something else entirely, is unknown.

Mental Attributes:

0-33% Unchanged; normal stats, mental abilities, skills and memories.

34-66% +2 to I.Q., +1D4 to M.A., M.E.,

67-88% +1D6 to I.Q., M.A., +6 to M.E.

89-00% I.Q 14+2D6, M.E. 11+3D6, M.A 11+3D6.

Physical Attributes & Related Bonuses:

0-33% +1D6+4 to P.S., +6 to P.B. and +1D6+6 to Spd,

34-66% +1D6+6 to P.S., P.B., and +1D6+10 to Spd.

67-88% P.S. is 3D6+20, P.P is 1D6+16, P.E 1D6+14, P.B. 1D6+18, Spd 2D6+20

89-00% P.S is 3D6+22, PP is 2D6+14, P.E 20+3D6, P.B. is 10+4D4, Speed is 2D6x100, plus 2D4x10..

Hit Points:

0-33% Hit Points are equal to P.E. x2 plus 2D6 per level of experience.

34-66% Hit Points are equal to P.E. x 3 plus 2D6 per level of experience.


89-00% 2D6x10+60 plus P.E. x level of experience.