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There are two sides in this diabolic conflict, but there is no happy balance. The center cannot hold.

The gods battle, for they are not kind gods. They seek to conquer or control because they must; they are incarnate forces of will.

Even gods have battles to fight, and when they do, Creation’s very foundations tremble. Undisputed rule over a corner of the cosmos, the alteration of a timeline, the fate of hundreds of races or of a part of the universe.

Tyneras, a transhuman mass-conscious collective entity, is battling Caspian, a nearly omnipotent, god-like being, for supremacy over the larger omniverse. One side or the other will frequently help mortals and other lesser beings to hurt or thwart their rival's forces.

In a divine contest, the stakes can be almost unimaginably high. If one side or the other should ever win the struggle and take the resources of his foe for himself, all existence would have reason to fear.

Fortunately, in most cases, the gods need not to resort to full-scale battles. They usually pursue their objectives in a less drastic and irresponsible fashion, since, as immortal beings, they can afford to plan for the long term. The most common way for deities to settle their differences is through mortal or immortal champions–beings of the material plane, angels, even abominations.

The size and scope of this conflict is unlimited. Tribes armed with only wooden spears march to war, suddenly inspired by dreams of terrible new gods. Starships burn in the void as impossible craft demand subservience or death. Priests cast down their idols and raise new ones in the image of the mad dreams they cannot deny, while strange men with silver tongues offer wealth and technology to those who would swear fealty and fight for them. Dreams surround dreams, and the master is the master’s servant, and the cult’s killing caress waits, and the secrets within books call. These secrets violate the truth with their greater truths and leave the madman smiling from the corner of his cell, twisting with his impotent omniscience.

Project CTO is a pan-dimensional setting which theoretically includes all other settings. It is mostly run using GURPS 4th Edition, along with some D20 functionality as well as some guidelines from the Palladium gaming line.

The Big Players

The Qualtana

A massively expansive empire that is constantly adding new territory.

The Kingdom of the God-King

A parallel Earth where civilization has fallen and been remade in the image of a nigh-omnipotent tyrannical entity. Said entity is a relatively recent player in multiversal conquest, but has already conquered many dimensions, and is looking for more. He has been balked at times -- but has never, never been driven back from worlds he has conquered. The Kingdom is primarily magic-based, though it does not shy away from also utilizing high technology.

The Onithyr

The League of Worlds

The Cydonians

The Gynpsi Republic

A galactic civilization consisting only of humans, where only the females have psychic abilities.

Contested Universes:

Century Station


The World of Quatermass

Enterprise Universe

Personalities of Note: