Cydonian Mutons


Average Height: 6'10" (205 cm)

Average Weight: 600 lbs (270 kg)

Physical Description

Mutons are orange, rough-skinned humanoids. They stand just under 7 feet tall and have broad, muscular bodies. Their faces have two large, milky-white eyes that never blink and their mouth is filled with jagged grey teeth. They are significantly dense than water and sink like stones. Their great weight forces them to seek solid footing anywhere they go.

Mutons are a base creature enhanced by numerous symbiotic synthetic organisms. The two most notable symbiotes are their armor and their power core. The armor is a living skin that completely encloses the Muton's body and is capable of chameleon-like camoflauge and regenerating damaged armor sections. It fuses with the muton and customizes itself to it's host's quirks and thus causes no encumberance. The power core is a strange, crystaline creature that is burried deep within the muton and enhances it's host and provides plenty of energy for all the feats it will need to perform.


Punch (14): 6d crushing. Reach C.

Any muton melee attack. Mutons never bite.

Plasma Grenade (12): 6dx4 burn ex sur. Range 140.

A muton can throw a plasma grenade up to 140 yards but rarely try for more than 20 due to the difficulty in hitting what they aim at.

Fusion Rifle (16): 6dx3 (2) burn. Range 800/2,400. RoF 3.

A muton's primary ranged attack. Their power core provides them with unlimited ammunition. The weapon will not work for non-mutons.

Homing Missile Launcher (13): 6dx15 (10) cr inc + linked 8dx2 cr ex [5d]. Range 15,000.

The listed skill is the skill of the missile itself as it attempts to strike it's target. It will attempt 2 passes then do a proximity detonation if it fails to strike on the third pass. Normally fired at heavily armored of dug-in targets.



Brawling - 14 (DX+0)

Beam Weapon (Rifle) - 16 (DX+2)

Throwing - 12 (DX+0)

