Power, Animal Imitation

The user remains and looks completely normal for his species, but can mimic the abilities, traits, and behavior of animals. The user can use/imitate animal powers, they can run like an ostrich, swing like a monkey, sprint like a cheetah, move like a cat, take the strength of an ant, track like a dog, hide like a turtle, constrict like a snake, etc. They cannot transform into animals, as this power only enables the user to mimic animalistic traits while still in their original form. Some users can mimic multiple animals at once. Furthermore, the character has an affinity with his animal type and they accept him as one of their own. He can't command them, but predators, birds and herd animals may attack humanoids and predatory invaders that threaten one of their own (i.e. the animal player character).

Animal Bonuses & Ablities as a Basic and General Rule of Thumb:


Traits: The alligator is a large, powerful and patient reptile

hunter who dwells in swamps and marshes. He is slow, even

lethargic, but can muster himself into great bursts of energy

or speed. Alligator is usually calm and quiet until something

tangible stirs him, like food, anger, a mate or survival. Alligator

likes to hide and wait for opportunity to come to him, but

this means he is also patient, confident, likes to wait in ambush

and strike suddenly, often with the element of surprise.

The Alligator totem can also include crocodiles, komodo

dragons, and other large reptiles or lizards.

Skills: Swimming (+10%), detect ambush, camouflage and


Bonuses: +20 to S.D.C., +1 to P.E. and M.E., +5% vs


Powers: +6 to P.S., add 20+lD4xlO to M.D.C.; powerful, locking

jaws bite, doing 5D6 M.D. and require a P.S. of 24 or

greater to pry them open; tail strikes do supernatural P.S.

damage +1D6 damage. Alligator can hold his breath for

one minute per P.E. point, swim, dive, and prowl underwater

(50% +5% per level of experience); swimming speed is double

land speed. Capable of a burst of running or swimming

speed that adds +10 to the speed attribute and lasts for two

melee rounds (30 seconds), but can only be performed once

every 15 minutes. The alligator's horror factor is 12.


Traits: Badger is a small mammalian predator who digs his prey

out of underground burrows, holes, or warrens. Badger is

confident, energetic and tenacious, always clawing for what

he wants. He is constantly on the go, looking for opportunity,

whether it be food, profit or fun. He is usually determined

enough to dig up or work hard for whatever it is he seeks, and

will stand his ground against insurmountable forces if it involves

something he believes is worth fighting for.

Skills: Athletics and Detect Concealment (+5%)

Bonuses: +1 to P.E., +2 to Spd., +1 to dodge, +1 to roll with impact,

and +1 to pull punch.


Powers: +2 to P.S., +2 to P.P.; bite damage is 3D6 M.D., claws

add 1D6 M.D. to supernatural P.S. damage, nightvision (200

ft/61 m), and digging through earth at a rate of five feet (1.5

m) per melee round, but does not leave a tunnel or passage

behind the character (one foot/0.3 m per melee round when

digging a hole). Tunneling, which does leave a passage, is

done at a rate of two feet (0.6 m) per minute.


Traits: Bat is a small flying mammal who has poor, nearsighted

vision, is light sensitive (hurts his eyes) and has a

frightening appearance. However, Bat is has a keen awareness

of everything around him (far better than what mere

sight might show), has superior hearing (ever alert and ready

for action), sonar/radar abilities (can sense/hear what others

often cannot), flies (has a spirit that soars and enjoys life), but

often hides in caves and dark places (tends to keep his deepest

thoughts and emotions hidden from others). Bat can be a

hunter (insects or small rodents) or a gatherer (eats fruit, nectar,

honey, etc.). He usually gathers in large flocks and enjoys

the company of others, although he may not work well with

others, especially in very regimented environments like the


Skills: Land navigation (+10%), detect ambush (+5%) and intelligence.

Bonuses: +4 to speed attribute, +2 to initiative, +1 to dodge,

rarely surprised (enemies prowl against the bat at -20%).

Powers: +1 to I.Q., +2 to M.E., +1 to P.P., add !D4xlO to flying

speed; bite does 1D6 M.D., flying claw strikes do supernatural

P.S. damage. Radar/Sonar allows the character to "see" in

nearly any condition, including total darkness or when completely

blind. It will also show the character the location of

any invisible opponent, but it will not be able to locate intangible

or otherwise nonsolid people or objects (like ghosts, illusions

or holograms). The bat has a horror factor of 13.


Traits: Bear is large and powerful. He goes through long periods

of quiet inactivity and can be quiet and nonassuming,

sometimes downright lazy. But he is known for his great

strength, imposing physical size, and ferocity when angered.

Bear is fiercely protective of loved ones (and tends to be loyal

to them) and that which belongs to him, and defends them

savagely. Bear is generally a calm, quiet powerhouse until

angered, provoked or threatened, then he becomes aggressive

or forceful, even murderous. When Bear rises on two legs and

bellows, one knows they have pushed him too far and Bear is

ready to fight or will stand his ground.

Skills: Body Building, climb, and wrestling.

Bonuses: +15 S.D.C., +1 to P.E., +1D4 to P.S., +2 to save vs


Powers: +8 to P.S., +2 to P.E., +30 to physical M.D.C.; bite

does 4D6 M.D., claws add 3D6 M.D. to supernatural P.S.

damage. Heightened hearing and smell provide: +1 to initiative,

track by smell: 50%+5% per level, and identify/recognize

known scent: 40%+4% per level. The bear's horror factor

is 14.


Traits: Beaver is a large, swimming rodent with a wide, flat

tail, wide, blunt teeth and powerful jaws for cutting through

wood. He is an industrious worker who enjoys physical exertion

and plays hard. He is a natural engineer, a skill he applies

to constructing dams and dens. Beaver loves to build and is

tenacious at it, whether he's building a structure made of

wood or a relationship. He is usually a trusted companion,

loyal, family-oriented, and usually well intentioned. When

given a narrowly defined task, he sticks with it and does well,

but doesn't necessarily work well with others (tends to be

clumsy, slow and loses sight of his position within a group)

nor in the execution of complex tasks that involves interworking

with others. Worse, beaver is usually so focused on the

immediate task at hand that he may be oblivious to other factors

(rarely sees the big picture) and often loses sight of how

his actions (like building a dam) might affect those around


Skills: Swimming (+15%), carpentry and sculpting/whittling.

Bonuses: +2 to dodge in water, fatigues at half the normal rate,

+5% to any skill or labor involving construction or repair, and

a human bite does 1D6 S.D.C.

Powers: +1 to M.E., +2 to P.S.; bite does 2D4 M.D., can hold

breath for one minute per P.E. point, and can chew through

any nonmetal or stone S.D.C. substances (wood, rope, plastic,

etc.) at roughly a rate of one inch per minute. M.D.C. materials

cannot be gnawed through. Good hearing, water-resistant

fur, excellent swimmer, and +1 to initiative and +2 to dodge



Traits: Blue-Jay is smart, bold, bright and beautiful, but this can

also make him selfish (anarchist or miscreant), boastful, loud,

outspoken, envious, greedy, and spiteful. He is a trickster

who cannot be trusted, for Blue-Jay usually thinks of himself

first and will use deceit and treachery to win the day. Blue-

Jay loves the spotlight (when positive), but avoids great responsibility

and denies blame for shameful, careless, or foul


Skills: Land navigation (+10%), escape artist and palming.

Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +1 to P.S., +1D4 to P.B., +1 to strike.

Powers: +1 to P.S., +5 to P.B.; +1 to strike, +2 to dodge; beak

strike does 1D6 M.D., supernatural P.S., and the bird can fly

at up to 60 mph (96.5 km).



Traits: Boar is tough, quick, and short tempered. He is aggressive

and uncouth, with little regard for other's opinions. Arguments

and confrontations are common between Boar and

those around him. In a fight, he is relentless, brave and merciless.

The Boar Totem can also include pigs, other wild swine,

and tapirs.

Skills: Running and body building.

Bonuses: +2 to P.S., +1 to strike, parry, and dodge, +2 to roll

with impact, punch or fall.

Powers: +2 to P.S., +1 to P.P., +2 to P.E., +6 to Spd, +10 to

M.D.C.; tusks add 1D6 M.D. to supernatural P.S. damage,

and Horror Factor is 11. Heightened smell enables the boar to

track by smell: 35%+5% per level, and recognize scents:

25%+5% per level.


Traits: Like all cats, Bobcat is a quick, alert hunter, but he is

smaller than most feline hunters. Yet despite his size, he

fights like a whirlwind and takes pleasure in the fact that so

many people underestimate him. He is an excellent tree

climber and is a bit more cunning than most hunters. Bobcat

tends to be a brooding loner who prefers the freedom and

openness of the wilderness over the city. Bobcat avoids areas

of heavy populations or drifts along the edges of them. Likewise,

Bobcat is a loner, even among a group he respects and

cares about, often keeping his thoughts to himself and drifting

off to investigate things on his own. The Bobcat Totem can

also include the lynx and other small wildcats.

Skills: Climbing (+10%), prowl (+5%) and hunting.

Bonuses: +1 to M.E., +1 to P.P., +1 on initiative and +1 to


Powers: +1 to I.Q., +2 to P.P.; retractable claws add 2D4 M.D.

to supernatural P.S. damage, nightvision (500 ft/152 m), leap

15 feet (4.6 m) high or lengthwise, and +10% to climb skill.


Traits: Buffalo is an imposing creature in size and brute

strength. He is a strong, hardy, fast, provider and protector

who is at peace with his place in the world. Buffalo is not a

hunter, but a grazer who accepts his place in life and exhibits

quiet strength and endurance. Buffalo loves the company of

others, is helpful, compassionate, merciful and works well in

groups of any size — a team player who thinks of others before

himself. If there is any (arguably) negative trait, it is that

Buffalo is complacent and not aggressive. He is happy to

avoid trouble and problems rather than confront them, but

when he does, he faces them head on.

No other animal holds a more important place in the hearts

or lives of the Plains Indians who give Buffalo nearly unequaled

spiritual significance. To the Native Americans, Buffalo

represents the ultimate in spiritual strength and

self-sacrifice — a powerful, yet gentle animal who is willing

to sacrifice himself so that others (humans) can prosper (traditionally

the buffalo provided the Plains Indians with food,

fur to stay warm, hides to make clothes, moccasins to cover

the feet, horn and bone to make weapons, tools and art, and

so on). The Buffalo Totem also includes bison, yaks, and

other large, thick-haired herd animals.

Skills: Wilderness survival (+10%), skin and prepare animal

hides (+5%), and land navigation.

Bonuses: +20 to S.D.C., +3 to P.S., +2 to damage.

Powers: +4 to P.E., +8 to P.S., +!D4xlO to physical M.D.C.;

gore or smash with horns does supernatural P.S. +3D6 M.D.,

running ram with horns does supernatural P.S. +4D6 M.D.

and uses two attacks. Acute hearing and good sense of smell.

Bonuses: +1 to initiative and +1 to dodge. The spiritual

power of the buffalo gives it an aura of awe for an equivalent

of a horror factor of 15!


Traits: Bull is strength, power and charisma. Even when quiet

and docile, there is something about him that seems dangerous

and powerful. When provoked, his strength and speed are

displayed without restraint. He is an excellent fighter, brave

and strong, but has a dangerous tendency to rush into battle

headlong and ignore/disregard strategy and tactics in favor of

brute strength and a straightforward fight. Bull hates duplicity

and lies because he has not the skills for them himself, thus

he prefers all things to be black and white — straightforward.

When angered beyond reason (sees red), he will fight without

consideration of the danger or odds against him and is easily

provoked into combat. Works reasonably well with others,

but will charge off on his own when angry, provoked, excited

or sad. Bull may often seem uncaring, but he is simply unconcerned.

This totem can also include the ox and other bovine

work animals.

Skills: Body Building and herding cattle (+5%).

Bonuses: +12 to S.D.C., +2 to P.S., +6 to Spd., +1 on initiative

and +2 to save vs horror factor.

Powers: +2 to P.E., +6 to P.S., +3 to save vs horror factor, and

+5D6 to physical M.D.C.; gore or smash with horns does supernatural

P.S. +2D6 M.D., while a running ram does 5D6

M.D. plus supernatural P.S. damage, but counts as two attacks.


Traits: The spirit god Coyote has the most expansive reputation

in Native American legends. He is the ultimate trickster and

con man, but he is also often a hero and earns a unique place

as a respected leader and trickster. The antics of Coyote are

tolerated because it is believed that he understands much

about the universe, and by questioning the ways of man, even

sacred ways, he is helping them to learn.

The Coyote Totem represents both the negative and positive

(not necessarily good and evil) and is ideal for characters

of unprincipled alignment (anarchist and aberrant to a lesser

degree). Coyote is both smart and silly/buffoonish; crude and

kind; generous and greedy; friendly and treacherous; forthright

and tricky; at times he is honest, knowledgeable and

helpful, yet other times he is deceitful, secretive and tricky.

Coyote is curious and likes to know about everything and

everybody, although he is not likely to share all his secrets or

treasures. Bold, confident and charismatic (but rarely reckless

or foolish), Coyote prefers to work behind the scenes, making

a surprise appearance (with impeccable timing) to reap the reward

and accolades of others for his handiwork. He can be

manipulative but has a high regard for life and never sacri-


fices a pawn out of cruelty or revenge. In fact, Coyote can exhibit

surprising loyalty to those he likes, respects or finds

challenging. Despite his antics, Coyote tends to do what's

right/moral and cares about people, especially Native Americans.

He enjoys all aspects of life and drinks deeply in life's

experience — the more challenging and risky, the better.

Skills: Disguise (+10%), imitate voices (+5%), ventriloquism

(+5%), and Cardsharp (+10%; loves to gamble).

Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +1 to M.A., +1 on initiative, and +2 to


Powers: +3 to M.A., +1 to P.P., +4 to speed; claws add 1D4

M.D. to supernatural P.S. damage, bite does 2D6 M.D.,

heightened smell enables the coyote to track by smell: 50%

+5% per level, and recognize specific scents: 40% +5% per


Crawfish (Crayfish)

Traits: Crawfish wears armor the dark color of blood and is

brave, even when threatened by giants and great forces.

Crawfish is bold, deadly and asks for no quarter in combat,

and offers none in return. He is tenacious and patient, willing

to wait for his enemies to make the first or a foolish move before

striking; has a good head for tactics. These are the characteristics

of a true warrior, and this is a totem of courage and

war. The totem can also include other salt or fresh water crustaceans

like crabs and lobsters.

Skills: Fishing (+10%) and Paired Weapons

Bonuses: +10 to S.D.C., +2 to P.E., and +3 save vs Horror Factor

Powers: +3 to M.E., +3 to P.S., +3 to Spd.; +104x10+10 to

physical M.D.C. (shell), immune to Horror Factor, claws add

2D6 M.D. to supernatural P.S. damage, Antennae act as motion

detectors (see description on page 230 of Rifts® for full

details) that adds +1 to dodge and +1 to initiative, and penalties

for blindness are halved. Horror Factor (as giant animal)

is 12.


Traits: Deer is gentle, passive and friendly, yet defensive and

evasive — wary of magic and secrets. If threatened, he prefers

to run, and will rarely fight unless cornered or defending

itself or a loved one. Deer has a position of respect similar to

that of Buffalo, in that he sacrifices himself regularly for the

survival of man. This totem includes all types of deer.

Skills: Running, Detect Ambush (+5%)

Bonuses: +6 to Spd., +1 to initiative, and +2 to dodge.

Powers: +2 to P.S., +1 to P.E., +20 to Spd., gore attacks with

antlers adds 1D6 damage to supernatural P.S. damage, ramming

adds 2D6 to supernatural P.S. damage (and only uses

one attack due to the deer's agility and speed), can leap 8 feet

(2.4 m) high or 12 feet (3.6 m) across, and has keen hearing;

+4 on initiative when combined with defensive maneuvers

(dodge, duck, leap, run away, hide), +1 to parry, +2 to dodge.


Traits: Dog is the long-time companion of man; a brave and

trusted ally. He is a guardian and protector, who represents

loyalty, faithfulness and friendship (and such traits breed confidence,

trust and strength in unity). Dog is cousin to the

wolf, which gives him a touch of the wild and courage and

ferociousness in combat or when angered. To friends, Dog's

bark is worse than his bite, to enemies he can be deadly, although

merciful. He is a companion and defender to the end.

This totem includes all domesticated dogs, from Terriers to


Skills: Running, herd cattle, and breed dogs.

Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +2 to M.A., +2 to ME., +2 save vs horror


Powers: +2 to P.S., +2 to P.E., +2 to P.P.; bite does 2D6 M.D.,

claws add 1D6 to supernatural P.S. damage, swim at 50%,

run at 35 mph (56 km) and heightened smell allows the dog

to track by smell: 60% +5% per level, and recognize scents:

50%+5% per level.

Traits: Crow is another common trickster in Native American

legends. He uses his sharp intelligence and cunning to outwit

and trick others. Crow is not quite the joker that Coyote is,

nor as selfish and spiteful as Blue-Jay, but can be crude and

self-serving, often taking (through trickery) what he desires;

Crow/Raven loves self-gratification and has an insatiable appetite

for food and sex. Although intelligent, clever and wise,

Crow often instigates trouble for the pure fun and anarchy,

despite the fact that his antics will get him into trouble as well

(the consummate fast-talker and resourceful quick-thinker,

Crow always thinks he can weasel out of trouble). Crow is

also a scavenger and an opportunist who can survive nearly

any situation or environment. He enjoys life and its many

challenges. This totem also includes ravens and minks.

Skills: Seduction (+10%), cooking (+10%), escape artist (+10%)

and Streetwise (+5%).

Bonuses: +2 to I.Q., +2 to M.A., +2 to spd. and +3 to save vs

psionics or magical mind control.

Powers: +4 to M.E., +2 to dodge when in flight, +3 to save vs

psionics or magical mind control. Beak/peck attack does 1D6

M.D., claws add +4 M.D. to supernatural P.S., and the bird

can fly at up to 80 mph (128.7 km).




Traits: Dolphin is a benevolent sea creature believed to be the

original form of some sea-faring Native American tribes. He

is a swift, playful creature who enjoys life and people of all

races. Dolphin is gentle, caring and nurturing, but strong and

brave, willing to fight to protect himself or others. Dolphin

represents intelligence, compassion, loyalty, friendship and

strength of character. Works well with groups; a reliable team

player. The totem includes all types of dolphin, porpoise and

killer whale.

Skills: Swimming (+20%) and sing.

Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +1 to M.E., +2 to M.A., and +2 to dodge


Powers: +1 to I.Q., +1 to M.E., +2 to M.A., +2 to P.P., +20 to

speed in the water, +12 to physical M.D.C.; bite does 1D6+4

M.D., ram does supernatural P.S. damage, they take 1/2 damage

from cold, can hold their breath for P.E.x2 minutes, and

have sonar that allows the dolphin to "see" underwater in

nearly any condition, including total darkness. Sonar will also

show the character the location of any invisible opponent, but

it will not be able to locate intangible or otherwise nonsolid

people or objects (like illusions, ghosts or holographic projections).


Traits: Eagle is another totem that is greatly respected. He is a

large, majestic predator, noble and strong in appearance and

free to follow the wind. Eagle is a great hunter with keen eyes

and sharp talons, always striking swiftly and cleanly — offering

mercy in combat as quick death. Eagle represents

strength, pride and hunting. This totem includes all types of

eagles and condors.

Skills: Fishing (+10%) and hunting.

Bonuses: +1 to P.P., +3 to Spd, +1 to M.A., and +1 to strike.

Powers: +2 to P.P., fly at speeds up to 70 mph (112.6 km); talons

add 3D6 M.D. to supernatural P.S. damage, bite does

4D6 M.D., and their extraordinary sight allows them to see

details up to two miles (3.2 km) away. Eagle is also +2 to initiative,

+1 to strike, +1 to disarm, and +2 to dodge.


Traits: Ferret is small and agile, inquisitive and secretive. He is

adept at finding a way into things (including people's affections),

loves to explore and play, and enjoys collecting curious

and fun items. Fun-loving Ferret argues he is not a thief,

but whatever is not claimed by another, he feels free to take

for himself. This totem also includes weasel, ermine, sable,

grison and marten.

Skills: Pick Pockets (+10%) and climb.

Bonuses: +2 P.P., +2 to Spd, and +1 to dodge.

Powers: +2 to P.P., +10 to Spd; claws add 1D4 to supernatural

P.S. damage and +10% to climbing, bite damage is 2D6, and

the increased metabolism of these animals gives them +2 to

strike and +2 additional attacks per melee round, but the incredible

metabolism means they must eat four times what a

normal person would (in human form, they only require twice

the amount).


Traits: Fox is the small cousin of Wolf and Coyote. He is not

the trickster that Coyote is, but he is a deceiver and a thief.

His size prevents him from being the masterful hunter and

warrior that Wolf is, so Fox is resourceful and sneaky. Many

equate his actions to cowardice or treachery, but that is how

Fox survives. He avoids conflicts he cannot win, and steals

from or tricks people too large and/or powerful for him to

fight. He is a thinker and cunning, thus he often represents


Skills: Escape artist (+5%), pick locks (5%), palming and

trap/mine detection.

Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +2 to M.E., +3 to Spd., and +1 to dodge.

Powers: +1 to I.Q., +1 to P.P., +6 to spd; supernatural P.S., bite

does 2D6 M.D. Fox also swims at 50%, climbs at 50%, runs

at 30 mph (48 km) and heightened smell allows the fox to

track by smell: 60% +5% per level, and recognize scents:

50%+5% per level.


Traits: Goat is a tenacious survivor who is resistant to even the

harshest climates and can survive on very little food when

necessary. He is actively territorial and will challenge anyone

who violates his (physical or spiritual) domain. The goat

tends to be impetuous and stubborn. This totem also includes


Skills: Wilderness Survival (+10%)


Bonuses: +2 to P.E., +1 to M.E., and +1 to save vs. poison,

drugs, and magic.

Powers: +2 to I.Q., +8 to P.E., +4 to Spd, Ram with horns adds

2D4 to supernatural P.S. damage, Extraordinary resistance

gives +5 to save vs. poison, +3 vs. drugs, +3 vs. magic, and

+2 vs. psionics. Amplified Hearing (identical to the Cybernetic

Sensory Implant of the same name): +1 to parry, +2 to

dodge, and +6 on initiative.


Traits: Hawk is a small, feisty and tenacious predator. He is not

as powerful as Eagle, but is an excellent hunter. He is tough,

resilient, and loves nothing better than to hunt and kill. Hawk

prefers to strike at his prey swiftly and without warning, using

the element of surprise as his weapon as much as his talons

and jaws. For Hawk, the kill is what's important, not the

battle or how one faces an opponent. If an enemy can be

struck down without warning, all the better — ideal for characters

of anarchist or evil alignments. This totem includes all

types of hawks, falcons, buzzards and kites.

Skills: Prowl (+10%) and hunting.

Bonuses: +1 to P.P., +3 to Spd, and +1 to strike.

Powers: +2 on initiative, +1 to strike, +2 to dodge, flies at

speeds up to 60 mph (96.5 km); talons add 2D6 M.D. to supernatural

P.S. damage, bite does 3D6 M.D., and their extraordinary

sight allows them to see details up to two miles

(3.2 km) away.


Traits: Horses have long been a favorite of the Native Americans

and many Native American names are references to

horses. Horse is smart, swift and strong. He can be a wonderful

loyal friend and companion, gets along well with others,

and is not afraid of hard work. Horse is beautiful, powerful,

graceful and fast — with a noble spirit that always runs free.

Skills: Running and Horsemanship: Cowboy

Bonuses: +1 to P.S., +1D6 to Spd., +10 to S.D.C., and can leap

one additional foot (0.3 m) per every four points of P.S.

Powers: +5 to P.S., +24 to Spd., +12 to physical M.D.C.; kick

attacks add +2D6 M.D. to supernatural P.S. damage, and

acute hearing adds +1 to initiative and +1 to dodge.


Traits: Hummingbird is a fast and agile bird. Although tiny, he

is confident, bold and aggressive, encouraging him to attack

animals much larger than himself. Hummingbird rarely turns

down a challenge, even when he appears to be badly outmatched.

Unfortunately, his bold, hot-headed spirit often

makes him rush to combat when another recourse may have

been available to avoid or settle the matter without violence.

These traits and his brilliant plumage, endear him to South

American Indians as symbols of warfare.

Skills: Running and acrobatics (+10%)

Bonuses: +6 to Spd., +2 to dodge, +1 attack per melee, and

+10% to pilot hovercycles, jets, and other small, fast vehicles.

Powers: +4 to P.P., +50 to flying Spd., +2 to strike in flight, +4

to dodge in flight, +1 attack per melee round in flight (in addition

to the extra one above), and beak or claw attacks do

1D6 damage less than normal supernatural P.S. damage

(minimum of 1D4 M.D. damage if reduced to zero dice of

damage)! Like Ferret, the Hummingbird has an incredible

metabolism and must eat four times what a normal person

would (in human form, they only require twice the amount).


Traits: Mole is quiet, observant and secretive, easily forgotten

as he travels out of sight below the surface of the earth. Because

he is so inconspicuous, Mole often hears and discovers

things others would rather keep hidden. Mole is often the

quiet helper who is always present and ready to lend a hand

without fanfare, praise or undo reward. Note: Mole is often a

key helper in the survival of The Twins, heroes of Hopi legends,

and he is a favorite companion of Spider Woman.

Skills: Intelligence (+10%) and find contraband (+6%).

Bonuses: +2 to M.A.

Powers: +5 to P.E., Claws add 1D6 damage to supernatural P.S.

damage, nightvision (300 ft/91.5 m), but has light sensitive

eyes, and can dig through earth at a rate of five feet (1.5 m)

per melee round and does not leave a tunnel or passage behind

the character (one foot/0.3 m per melee round when digging

a hole). Tunneling, which does leave a passage, is done

at a rate of two feet (0.6 m) per minute. Excavating underground

areas, like rooms, is possible, and can be used to create

hiding places or to weaken structures. Excavating is done

at 10 cubic feet (3 m) per half hour and requires reinforcing

for permanence; otherwise, the cave-like area lasts 2D4 days

before collapsing. Heightened smell allows the mole to track

by smell: 20%+5% per level, recognize scents: 30%+5% per

level, and function blind or in total darkness at half the normal




Traits: Moose is a large, powerful game animal that provides

much meat, but he fights fiercely and shows himself to be a

test of strength. Moose is the valiant warrior destined to serve

a higher cause or purpose, such as providing for others. He is

a strong warrior who fights valiantly and with honor, so he

wins even if he loses the battle. This totem also includes elk.

Skills: Boxing and swimming (+10%).

Bonuses: +2 P.S., +1 P.E., and +1 to strike.

Powers: +7 to P.S., +3 to P.E., +4D6 to physical M.D.C., +2 to

initiative, +1 to strike and parry; antlers add 2D6 to supernatural

P.S. damage when goring, kick with hind legs adds

2D6 M.D. to supernatural P.S. damage, and acute hearing.

Horror Factor 13.


Traits: Mouse is small and quiet, observant and crafty. He and

his kin have been living with man for centuries (despite

man's best efforts to exterminate them). Native Americans do

not treat mice as the pests we do, and the Mouse totem signifies

adaptability, fertility and survival. This totem includes

rats, hamsters, ground hogs, and other small rodents.

Skills: Prowl (+5%), climbing and preserve food.

Bonuses: +1 to P.P., +2 to Spd., and +1 to save vs poison.

Powers: +1 to I.Q., +2 to P.P., +4 to Spd. Mouse does 1D6 less

than normal damage for their supernatural P.S., but its claws

add +10% to climbing. Their bite does 1D6 M.D. damage.

Acute hearing adds +1 to initiative and +1 to dodge, and digging

can be done at a rate of five feet (1.5 m) per melee round

and does not leave a tunnel or passage behind the character

(one foot/0.3 m per melee round when digging a hole). Tunneling,

which does leave a passage, is done at a rate of two

feet (0.6 m) per minute.


Traits: 'Possum is quiet and unobtrusive, watching from a tree

branch overhead, waiting for an opportunity (or just watching).

When threatened or angered, he can be a vicious and

savage fighter. However, 'Possum is cunning and a fair actor,

able to feign outrage and ire to intimidate others, and, if necessary,

convincingly play dead.

Skills: Climb (+15%) and acrobatics.

Bonuses: +1 to M.E., and +2 save vs psionics or magic that

paralyze or immobilize, +3 to save vs horror factor.

Powers: +2 to M.E.; bite does 1D6 M.D. and claws add 2D4

M.D. to supernatural P.S. damage. The long prehensile tail

can support or carry the character's weight, helps to hold and

climb, maintain balance, and is +1 to parry with melee weapons.

Nightvision 400 feet (122 m), heightened smell enables

the 'possum to track by smell: 30%+5% per level and recognize

scents: 25%+5% per level. The 'possum is also able to

feign death in a manner identical to the physical psionic ability

of Death Trance, but at no I.S.P. cost.


Traits: Otter is friendly, fun-loving and playful. He avoids combat

if at all possible and will help anyone he finds in need.

Otter is a pacifist who, even when faced with self-defense,

will seek to escape, evade, or end the fight quickly. Otter can

be lazy or complacent for short periods, but life is too interesting

and fun for him to lay dormant for long.

Skills: Swimming (+15%); excellent diver.

Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +2 to M.A., and +2 to Spd.

Powers: +2 to P.P., +6 to Spd, +2 to initiative and +1 to dodge;

can hold its breath for one minute per P.E. point, heightened

smell enables the otter to track by smell (45% +5% per level)

and recognize scents (45% +5% per level), and its whiskers

detect vibrations which means penalties for being blind are



Traits: Owl is a totem of mystery and darkness. It is not an evil

totem, and the association of the owl with bad medicine is

often misunderstood. Owl often follows bad magic, but he

does not bring it. Owl is the keeper of secrets and lost knowledge

and is often thought to represent wisdom, but knowledge

and wisdom are not the same thing. Owl knows the

difference, however, and he also knows about bad medicine

and evil ways. Owl is also a hunter in the darkness who sees

into the dark of night and the darkness of a man's soul with

equal clarity. When aflight as a hunter, Owl strikes silently

and swiftly, often appearing out of the darkness like a vengeful

phantom. He tends to be a pragmatic loner. He usually

keeps his suspicions and dark thoughts to himself, but keeps a

watchful eye on those he believes to be duplicitous, evil or

harbingers of bad medicine. Owl is attracted to all things

magical, dark and dangerous but knows when to leave wellenough

alone, and does not usually covet dangerous things

that will lead to his corruption or demise.


Skills: Streetwise (all; +10%), lore: demons and monsters (+5%)

and lore: magic/geomancy and lines of power.

Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +1 to M.E., +1 on initiative, +1 to save vs

magic and +2 to save vs possession.

Powers: +2 to M.E., +2 to P.P., and flying speed is 45 mph (72

km); claws add 2D6 M.D. to supernatural P.S. damage, extraordinary

sight that allows details to be seen up to two miles

(3.2 km) away, but nightvision is limited to 1,000 ft (300 m).

Acute hearing and sense of smell adds +2 to initiative and +1

to dodge.


Traits: Porcupine is quiet and tends to rely on his natural defenses

in nearly any situation, even social ones. He tends to

keep to himself as much as he is allowed, but when he does

engage in conversation, he relies more on his own beliefs and

opinions than on fact. Arguments with Porcupine are practically

a waste of time because he is hard-headed and rarely

ever changes his views. Verbal attacks roll off his back (ignores

'em) and in combat situations, he is defensive and will

only attack if an opening presents itself.

Skills: Identify plants and fruits

Bonuses: +2 to M.E., +2 to P.E., and +2 to parry.

Powers: +15 to physical M.D.C., heightened smell enables the

porcupine to track by smell at 30%+5% per level; excellent

hearing. Quills act as a natural defense inflicting 2D6 damage

(S.D.C. in normal animal form and M.D. in giant animal

form) to anyone grabbing, grappling, punching, or hitting the

porcupine. Body slams or blocks by the character do 5D6

M.D. and forearm attacks do 2D6 M.D. plus supernatural P.S.


Puma/Mountain Lion

Traits: Also known as cougars, panthers, and mountain lions,

Puma is a large, agile hunter. He has all of the traits of large cats,

including strength, speed, cunning and deadly claws and teeth.

Puma is at the top of the food chain and has no natural enemies.

He is confident and cautious at the same time, judging his prey

against his own abilities and cool under fire.

Skills: Hunting, tracking (+5%) and climbing.

Bonuses: +2 to P.P., +1 to P.S., and +2 to Spd.

Powers: +4 to P.S., +6 to Spd., +2 to initiative, +2 to pull punch,

+1 to parry, +1 to roll with impact and +1 attack per melee

round. Claws add 3D4 to supernatural P.S. damage and bite

does 3D6 M.D. Heightened sense of smell enables the puma

to track by smell: 40%+5% per level, and recognize scents:

35%+5% per level; keen hearing and Nightvision extends to

200 ft (60 m).


Traits: Rabbit is swift and alert, always watching and wary. In

unfamiliar territory he is unobtrusive, quiet and cautious, but

when among friends and in a safe place, he becomes gregarious

and relaxed. Rabbit values freedom among all else. This

totem includes all types of Rabbits and Hares.

Skills: Running and detect ambush (+5%).

Bonuses: +2 to initiative, +1D6 to Spd., and +1 to dodge.

Powers: +4 to P.P., +15 to Spd., +2 on initiative, +1 to parry, +2

to dodge. Powerful leaps can propel the animal one foot per

P.S. point vertically and two feet per point horizontally!

Heightened smell and hearing. The rabbit also gets the Leap

Kick and Jump Kick; see Rifts®, page 35) and they only cost

the Rabbit two of his attacks. Kicking attacks add 2D6 to the

supernatural P.S. damage.


Traits: Raccoon is very intelligent and adaptable. He uses his

"hands" the same as humans to wash food and manipulate

simple tools. Raccoon is crafty, cunning and tricky. He enjoys

living by his wits and loves battles of words and wits —

few animals besides Raven and Coyote can match his smarts

and cunning. He would rather out-think an opponent than engage

in combat, and Raccoon has nearly as many humiliated

enemies as Raven. However, Raccoon tends to underestimate

his opponent and takes foolish risks. Although he can benefit

any group, his shenanigans and risk taking are just as likely to

get the group into trouble.

Skills: Intelligence (+10%) and cardsharp.

Bonuses: +2 to I.Q., +2 to M.E., +2 to M.A.

Powers: +4 to M.A., +3 to save vs illusions, +1 on initiative,

climb at 80%/60%, swim 65%, nightvision 600 feet (183 m),

and supernatural P.S. The raccoon's paws are articulated,

which allows it to perform skills in animal form, unlike most

other totem animal forms.


Traits: Rattlesnake is the harbinger of death. He is a cold, silent

hunter who is so quick and confident that he warns his foe

with the sound of his rattle just before he strikes. Cool under

fire, calculating, patient and lightning fast. Tends to be dispassionate

toward death and suffering; life is hard and people

die. This totem includes all rattlesnakes, vipers and cobras.

Also see Snake.

Skills: Paired weapons: handguns (or knife) and quickdraw: revolvers

and pistols the same as the Gunslinger O.C.C. (see

Rifts® New West, page 93). This character is a natural for

becoming a Gunslinger or Gunfighter. If one of these O.C.C.s

is selected, do not take the above skills and bonuses twice.

Bonuses: +2 to P.P. +2 to M.E. and +1 to initiative.

Powers: +1 attack per melee round, +2 to P.P., +4 to save vs

poisons, drugs and toxins, +5 to save vs horror factor, and

+10 to physical M.D.C. Prowl 68%, climb 70%/60%, swim

60%, nightvision 400 feet (122 m), thermal sense detects heat

like a thermo-imager to a range of 100 feet (30.5 m), and

once every other round, a special darting strike can be made

that adds +4 to initiative, +2 to strike, and +1D6 to bite damage,

but counts as two melee attacks. Supernatural P.S., and

poisonous bite inflicting 6D6 additional points of damage

(save vs lethal poison of 14 or higher for half damage). Horror

Factor 14.


Traits: Seal is playful, fast and agile in the water, but awkward

on land. He is a superb swimmer and fisher, but avoids enemies

larger than himself, and is aggressive and combative to

those smaller than he. Seal knows his place and rarely ventures

far from it. Characters with this totem are typically excellent

in one or two areas (or has one outstanding attribute)


which makes his area of expertise narrow, and him clumsy at

other endeavors. He usually recognizes his strengths and

weaknesses and works well in a team where others can compensate

for his failings and his strengths can do the most

good. This totem also includes walruses, manatees, and similar

large water mammals.

Skills: Swimming (+15%) and fishing (+5%); loves the water,

particularly oceans and seas.

Bonuses: +1 to M.E., +1 to M.A., and +1 to all combat rolls

while in the water (including strike, parry, dodge, roll, damage,


Powers: +1 to M.E., +2 to P.P., +10 to Spd when swimming,

+10 to physical M.D.C., immune to normal cold and freezing

temperatures, and supernatural or M.D.C. cold attacks only

do half damage. The seal also has keen vision, allowing it to

see a 2 ft. (.75 m) object clearly at a distance of 2 miles (3.2

km) and can hold its breath underwater for one minute per

every two P.E. points.


Traits: Shark is the silent hunter of the sea. He is swift and

deadly, often losing all control to a blood frenzy. Shark is the

totem of a warrior. He lives for combat and wallows in blood.

Many live simply to feed and kill. Shark is a restless spirit always

on the move and always in search of new battles. He

can be a dangerous totem, even to his friends. This totem also

includes barracuda, piranha, and other predatory fish.

Skills: Swimming (+10%) and tracking (+5%).

Bonuses: +2 to P.S., +2 to P.E., +1 to strike, and +2 to save vs

horror factor.

Powers: +4 to P.S., +2 to P.E., +20 to physical M.D.C.; bite

does 6D6 M.D., tail swipe does 2D6 plus supernatural P.S.

damage. Shark can track prey by blood scent in water (70%

+5% per level), and faint blood traces can be smelled up to

two miles (3.2 km) away.

Horror Factor: 15.

When a shark totem warrior is hit by a critical strike, kills

an enemy, or for each attack that damages his hit points (not

S.D.C.), he must roll a saving throw versus insanity or fly

into a blood frenzy. The frenzy is identical to Frenzy under

the Crazies O.C.C. (page 58 of the Rifts® RPG), but the 30

S.D.C. bonus is 30 M.D.C., and +1 to strike and parry.


Traits: According to some legends, Snake carries words from

the Gods of the Deep Earth Realm to mortals and animals in

the Middle Realm. As the messenger for the gods, Snake

knows many secrets, and he keeps them well, unless it is necessary

for him to pass them on. Many a hero has fulfilled his

quest with the help of Snake's whisperings. Snake is also a

symbol of fertility and rebirth because he knows all of the

paths to the spirit caves. His vast knowledge also includes

medicine. Generally, the snake is considered to be sly and

crafty; quietly watching, learning and waiting for opportunity.

His knowledge and sly patience makes others consider

him a bit untrustworthy and potentially dangerous. This totem

includes all nonpoisonous snakes.

Skills: Holistic medicine (+5%), surveillance and prowl.

Bonuses: +1 to M.A., and +5% to all skills involving medicine

and healing.

Powers: +1 to P.P., +4 to save vs disease, +2 to save vs horror

factor, supernatural P.S. and +6 to physical M.D.C. Prowl

60%, climb 70%/60%, swim 60%, nightvision 400 feet (122

m), thermal sense detects heat like a thermo-imager to a range

of 65 ft (19.2m).



Traits: Turtle is believed to be the animal that brought the first

earth from beneath the great sea to provide land for the animals

and man (other animals given this honor include beavers,

and crayfish). Turtle is seen as a provider and a

lifegiver. His shell makes him difficult to injure and a symbol

of protection. Characters of this totem usually also have a

hard shell that insults, challenges and lies have difficulty

penetrating. This makes Turtle even tempered and tolerant.

Although slow, Turtle is also steadfast. When given a task, he

will see it though to completion, but at his own pace.

Skills: Swimming (+5%) and fishing.

Bonuses: +1 to M.A., +2 to M.E., and +2D6 to S.D.C.

Powers: +2 to P.S., +50 to M.D.C. (shell), supernatural P.S., and

the turtle can hold his breath for one minute per P.E. point.


Traits: Whale is a giant, graceful, beautiful creature. He glides

through the seas in family groups, singing his hauntingly exquisite

songs. Whale is a protector and nurturer. To sea-dependent

tribes, like the Makah of Northeast America, Whale

is an important source of food, and he is revered by them the

way Plains Indians revere Buffalo. Whale is willing to sacrifice

himself for family, friends, and those worthy of such a

gift. He is noble, brave and loyal.

Skills: Swimming (+15%) and singing (+10%)

Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +2 to M.A., +5 to P.S. and +15 to S.D.C.

Powers: +2 to M.E., +4 to M.A., +16 to P.S., +12 to swimming

Spd., dive 1000 feet (205 m), survive depths of up to 2 miles

(3.2 km), hold breath for two minutes per P.E. point, and +80

to M.D.C. Bite does 2D6 M.D., supernatural P.S., the whale

takes half damage from magical cold (normal cold does no

damage), and once per melee, the whale spirit form can Sing.

Singing takes concentration and thus reduces the character's

number of attacks and all combat bonuses, except saving

throws, by one (-1), but the Whalesong is a powerful magic

that can duplicate a number of spell effects. As long as the

character Sings (suffering the concentration penalties), one of

the following effects can be maintained: Befuddle, calling,

fear, repel animals, thunderclap, trance, or words of truth.

Each effect functions exactly like the spell of that name, as if

it were cast by a mage of the character's level, except duration,

which is equal to the length of time the character continues

to sing (maximum Song length is one melee per P.E.

point plus one melee per level). Singing can be done four

times per day, plus one additional use per day for each level

beyond two.


Traits: Wolf is noble and courageous, a protector, defender and

fighter for his pack. Anyone the Wolf accepts as an equal and

a companion will be protected by Wolf to the utmost. Wolf is

the symbol of the chase and war, but he does not fight alone.

The entire pack will join in a battle, but if they cannot handle

the opponent, one wolf will be the last to leave so the others

can escape. Wolf is brave and smart, with a head for group

strategy and tactics, and loyal to family and friends.

Skills: Running, hunting and tracking (+10%)

Bonuses: +1 to I.Q., +1 to M.A., and +2 vs horror factor.

Powers: +2 to M.E., +2 to M.A., +2 to P.P., +2D6 to M.D.C.;

bite does 4D6 M.D. and claws add 2D6 to supernatural P.S.

damage, swim at 50%, run at 35 mph (56 km) and heightened

smell allows the wolf to track by smell: 70% +5% per level,

and recognize scents: 65% +5% per level. Horror Factor 12.

Amphibious (Frogs. Toads. Turtles. etc.): Swimming 82% + 1% per level of experience, can hold breath for one minute per P.E. attribute point, double Spd when swimming, can see underwater even in murky water, nightvision 500 feet (152 m), leap one foot (0.3 m) high and across per P.P. attribute point and +2 to

dodge (double underwater).

Birds (excluding birds of prey):+ 1 on initiative, +3 on Perception Rolls, can see 180 degrees, + 1 attack per melee round, +1 to parry, +3 to dodge and roll with impact, and +2D6 to S.D.C. or M.D.C., plus the character can fly, glide and hover (whether he has physical wings or not) one mph (1.6 km) per P.P. attribute point up to an altitude of 30,000 feet (9,144 m).

Fish: Swimming 98%, can breathe underwater and survive at a depth of up to two miles (3.2 km; unlimited if a shark or squid), plus the following bonuses when in or underwater or out of the water for less than five minutes: Spd attribute number x10 when swimming, can see underwater even in murky water, nightvision

1,000 feet (305 m), +6 to P.S. and is equal to Robot P.S. unless the character already has greater P.S., + 1 attack per melee,+ 1 on initiative,+ 1 to strike and parry, +2 to dodge and pull punch.

Herd/Running Animals (gazelle, horse, buffalo, elephant. rhino. etc.): +1D4 to P.S. and P.E. attributes, +22 to Spd attribute, + 1D6x10+ 12 to S.D.C. or M.D.C., + 1 on initiative and +3 to dodge. Automatically gets the Dowsing, Herding, Identify Plants & Fruits, and Land Navigation skills at 78% + 1% per level of experience and the character can ride any type of herd or riding animal whether tamed or wild.

Predatory Canines: +2 to P.S. and + 1D6+6 to Spd attributes, +1 on initiative, +2 on Perception Rolls, +1 attack per melee round, + 1 to strike, parry, and dodge, +2 to pull punch, and roll with impact, and +4D6 to S.D.C. or M.D.C. Automatically gets the Hunting and Tracking (people and animals) skills at 80% +1% per level of experience.

Predatory Felines: +4 to P.S. and +2 to P.P. and P.E. attributes, +2 on initiative, + 1 on Perception Rolls, +2 attacks per melee round, +1 to strike, +2 to parry and dodge, +3 to pull punch, +4 to roll with impact, and +5D6 to S.D.C. or M.D.C. Automatically gets the Climbing, Gymnastics and Prowl skills at 84% + 1% per level of experience.

Predatory Reptiles and Birds: + 1 on initiative, + 1 attack per melee round, + 1 to strike and dodge, + 1D6 additional damage on power punch, +2 to roll with impact, and +3D6 to S.D.C. or M.D.C. Automatically gets the Acrobatics and Land Navigation skills at 80% + 1% per level of experience.

Rodents, Nocturnal and Shy Creatures: + 1 attack/action per melee round, +2 to dodge and roll with impact, and +2D6 to S.D.C. or M.D.C. Automatically gets the Climbing, Escape Artist, Gymnastics and Prowl skills at 70% + 1% per level of experience.