Monster, Night Wind

The Nightwind are sad, she-demons who most mortal males find strangely attractive and alluring. Shape changers, the Nightwind can make themselves appear completely human, soft, sweet and vulnerable, but even in their demonic form, with their small black and red bat wings and black-tipped spikes sticking out from their legs, arms and shoulders, they seem somehow sympathetic, helpless, desirable and in need of comforting. Human males are often attracted to these demon seductresses like moths to a flame, leaving themselves open to robbery, intelligence gathering, enchantment, kidnapping, enslavement and murder. And even men (and women) who are not bewitched by the Nightwind tend to underestimate them or think of them as less dangerous or cunning than they really are. The attraction is reciprocal, as Nightwind find humans to be attractive, interesting and desirable - now if only they could control themselves from using, abusing and feeding on humans (draining their blood dry), they could become real friends and lovers.

Nightwind exude sexuality and intoxicating freedom, or at least a temporary abandonment to pure animal desire. For the she-demon, there isn't anything they enjoy more than giving herself to a human. However, after the fun in bed, the male is likely to find himself being abandoned, robbed, beaten for the slightest offense, killed (in rage, disgust or deliberate intent -Nightwind make fabulous demon assassins), or feasted upon for their blood. Nightwind, like most demons, are creatures of instinct and primordial urges. On one hand, the she-demon genuinely likes humans and wants to play and share herself with them. On the other hand, humans are lesser beings to be used for one's own needs, and prey to be butchered like cattle. Additionally, Nightwind are fickle and selfish creatures. Their needs come first, and those needs and wants can change in a heartbeat. When that happens their demonic side comes out and they react with icy selfishness and cool savagery, striking out in the heat (or cold) of the moment, perhaps regretting what they have done, before moving on and forgetting their latest act of violence or betrayal. Thus, a Nightwind can never be trusted, and foolish males who give into their invitations of passion can only expect heartbreak, suffering or death.

Occasionally, a Nightwind honestly falls in love with a mortal, but their idea of love is obsession and domination. Hyper-protective of "her man," the she-demon will quietly ruin or slay his rivals and enemies, as well as lie, steal, cheat, threaten, kill and do whatever it takes to protect or help the object of her affection. Jealous beyond human comprehension, any woman, friend, ally, business partner, associate or passerby that catches the Nightwind's eye and is perceived as a rival, threat, enemy or annoyance, is driven away or destroyed. The male smiling at another woman or commenting that she is attractive is like signing the woman's death warrant. Worse, sometimes the she-demon falls in love with a mortal male even when he refuses her passionate overtures and despite the fact that he may have tried to slay her (Nightwind have a thing for powerful men, heroes and demon slayers). In this case, all the above apply, except the Nightwind is a stalker following the object of her unrequited love, watching from a distance and taking action against people without the victim of her affection even being aware of it.

Nightwind who are not smitten by love (and that's most of them) are cold, calculating opportunists. They make money, grab power and take what they want by using seduction and sex to lure their victims to them. Fleecing, tricking and using humans is just fin\ and games for these demonic vixens. Those who are not spies, thieves or assassins working for a greater power, may simply enjoy manipulating men to see how far they can push them or how low in the gutter a man will crawl in the name of love/lust, hate, power or greed - all things the Nightwind knows well (though they know little about genuine love). Duplicitous in the extreme, they can appear completely sincere and loyal one minute and stab one in the back the next. Their treachery knows no limit and they plot and execute their schemes with military precision. Men are wise to remember that even the softest, most innocent looking Nightwind has an iron will, a wicked side, and is out of herself. Their Supernatural P.S. and other preternatural powers are more than capable of handling any ordinary man.

Alignment: Any evil alignment, most are Miscreant.

Attributes: I.Q. 2D4+2 (human intelligence), M.E. (1D6+10) M.A. 1D6+18, Supernatural P.S. 1D4+20, P.P. 1D6+10, P.E. 1D6+16, P.B. 1D6+20, Spd 1D6+18 (a minimum of 15 mph) or 58 flying.

S.D.C: 1D6x10.

Hit Points: 1D6x10+ P.E. number.

A.R.: 12

Awe Factor: 14 for human males, 8 for females.

Size: 5-6 feet (1.4 to 1.8 m) tall.

Weight: 125 pounds (56 kg).

Average Life Span: Uncertain, probably immortal.

P.P.E.: P.E. attribute number x3 +6D6.

Natural Abilities: Very good running speed, but faster flying speed, and can remain active for 12 hours without feeling tired or needing to feed. Can leap up to 10 feet (1.8 m) high or 15 feet (4.6 m) across (increase by 50% with a running start) and can hover and fly silently. Can see the invisible, Nightvision 1000 feet (305 m), resistant to fire and cold (half damage), and bio-regenerates 2D6 S.D.C./Hitpoints per melee round.

Knows All Languages: Magically understands and speaks all languages at 95%, and reads all languages at 60%.

Radiates Sensuality and Sympathy: These demons just seem sweet, soft, sympathetic and sensual, at least until one is tearing your throat out. It's an aura that radiates and affects everyone who sees them unless a successful save vs enchantment of 17 or higher is made. Roll for each new encounter/meeting. Also see Seduction under R.C.C. Skills.

Metamorphosis: Human: The Nightwind can metamorph into a beautiful, pale-skinned human woman with long, dark hair and deep, warm eyes (P.B. 1D6+20). This disguise can be maintained indefinitely.

Limited Invulnerability (special): The demon is impervious to normal fire, cold, poison and disease. Resistant to magical fire and cold, including magic spells (does half damage). Magic weapons, spells and psionics do full damage, and enchanted demon slaying weapons do double damage.

Vulnerabilities: 1. Weapons made of wood (any kind) inflict the double damage (i.e. a staff made of wood that inflicts 2D6 S.D.C. would inflict 4D6 damage to the demon).

3. Drinks the blood of mortals; male or female. Will drink 6 pints in one setting, but often indulges in two or three times as much. Thus, they are vulnerable when they feed, and the line of bodies they leave behind draws attention to them.

4. Tends to be daring and takes risks for the thrill of it.

R.C.C. Skills: Art 75%, Basic Math 95%, Dance 90%, Cook or Sing 90%, Land Navigation 90%, Prowl 65%, Swim 50%, Track Humanoids 60% (+25% to follow a blood scent that is less than three hours old), Forgery 55%, Imitate Voices & Impersonation 75/50%, Intelligence 70%, Interrogation 80%, Pick Locks 75%, Pick Pockets 90%, Palming 85%, Concealment 80%, Seduction 80%, Streetwise 65%, Lore: Cities 60%, and Lore Demons & Monsters 90%. The Nightwind may pick up and use any man-made weapon, but without benefit of W.P. bonuses. These skills do not improve with experience. Also see Natural Abilities, above and Magic, below.

Equivalent Level of Experience: 1D6

Attacks per Melee: Five physical attacks or two by magic.

Damage: Bite does 4D6 S.D.C. damage. Head-butt, punch or kick M.D. as per supernatural P.S. (typically 4D6 S.D.C. on a restrained punch, 8D6 damage on full strength punch, 1D4x10 damage on a power punch, but the latter counts as two melee attacks). A claw strike does 1D6+1 damage added to the Supernatural P.S. damage. A flying body block does 6D6 damage and has a 01-60% of knocking human-sized opponents off their feet (victim loses initiative and two melee attacks), but counts as two melee attacks. Or may use a weapon or magic.

R.C.C. Bonuses (in addition to likely attribute bonuses): +2 on initiative, +3 to strike, +3 to parry, +2 to dodge on the ground, +4 to dodge flying, +6 to pull punch, +2 to roll with impact or fall, +6 to save vs Horror Factor and possession, and +1 on all other saving throws.

Magic: Limited to the following spells, provided the demon has sufficient P.P.E.: Calling (8), Cleanse (6), Climb (3), Charismatic Aura (10), Charm (12), Cloak of Darkness (6), Deflect (10), Domination (10), Featherlight (10), Invisibility: Simple (6), and Sleep (10). Spell potency is equal to the demon's experience level.

Psionics: None.

Enemies: Humans are regarded as prey and playthings.

Allies: Mainly other Night Winds. Humans and other attractive beings may be regarded as friends, partners and allies of convenience - at least for the moment. Instinctively recognize more powerful beings as superiors (Greater Demons, dragons, evil deities).