Code of Conduct, The Sixteen Codified

The Sixteen Codified are a set of laws given to the people of the Kingdom by Caspian, recorded in the Lathra, and enshrined within the monuments known as Terra-Ming.

Text of the Sixteen Codified

1. Know and revere both thyself and the God-King, for the God-King of Celes is the only true God and King, and He will be honored without exception. Do not forget what he has done, nor add to memory what he has not done. Cease to remember all former deities, phantom spirits or false prophets worshiped in previous times.

2. Man and woman are equal in the God-King’s eyes, as they should be in yours. Treat the opposite gender honorably, respect their complementary qualities, with due regard for succeeding generations.

3. Cultivate the mind, learning as many important facts as possible, striving to become expert in some particular field of endeavor. Those whom are knowledgeable shall pity those whom are ignorant and seek to educate them. Be patient towards the unresolved and love the questions themselves.

4. The virtuous shall not be cruel to the vicious.

5. The self-reliant shall aid the helpless.

6. The prosperous shall be generous to the unfortunate.

7. Be worthy of respect to others and honor those whom you deem worthy of honor, and refrain from agreements that can not be kept. Be patient in thy dealings. Courtesy and wit are gold. Anger and ill-will are brass.

8. You are the planet's keeper and also its avenger. It is your duty to protect the seas, forests, jungles and wetlands, and all the species that live therein for all generations to come. Humans are not the only inhabitants of this planet, and all its creatures have an absolute equal place upon it.

9. You shall attempt your utmost to enjoying and improving life for yourself and others, but not at the expense of, or the impediment of others or excessively towards yourself.

10. Do not meddle in the private affairs of others that do not concern you. Refrain from spying on your neighbors. Do unto your children as you would want them to do unto their children. Treat them with similar respect for their wishes and privacy whenever it would not harm them.

11. You shall not kill someone who does not wish to die, unless you are defending your life or the lives of others, or the treasures of the world. Women who conceive a child that they do not want or can not support may violate this commandment so long as they do it before the child is born. Otherwise, consider conception with adoption as a choice.

12. You may have sex with whomsoever you please, in whatever manner thou pleasest, so long as the other person(s) are willing participants. If you cannot procure yourself a mate, thou may pay for one at the brothel of thy choice. However, thou shalt not bring a child into the world unless thou are certain thou can support it and love it.

13. You may not take something which does not belong to you without first paying for it, then thanking the one you buy from. Give full measure and thy customer shall return.

14. Those whom are beautiful shall be kind to the plain. You will not be required to mutilate or mark your body, nor be restricted in diet, unless you desire it.

15. After you are sworn to His service, do as the God-King wills and never place your own desires above His.

16. Those whom are rich shall not oppress those whom are poor. All shall store up their goods against old age and in preparation to adversity. Thy shall only be prudent in thine expenditures and traffic only in tangible things.

The Sixteen Codified and Imperial Law