Power, World Connection

User has a deep physical, mental, emotional or spiritual connection with the world and everything in it including all its countless lifeforms, elements, aspects, etc., allowing them a deep understanding of the world, what it can do, and how it applies to them. This can allow them to easily communicate with the world that they have a deep connection with.

User is able to sense and/or know everything that happens on the world they have a connection too.

Through this connection, the user can sense where and how much life is in the world, and can even find the whereabouts of any individual the user knows as long as that person is standing on/over soil or earth; concrete/paved roads, inside buildings and similar man-made structures will block this power. The user can also sense earthquakes, volcanic activity, hurricanes, weather patterns, and other phenomena, anywhere on the planet! However, the user can usually only pay attention to five or six events at any given time.