Adventure Location, Shrike Space Market

Shrike Space Market is truly an enchanting place. At once, it provides several concurrent sensory joys— the sights, smells, tastes, sounds, and old feel to the ancient pantheon of commerce had an almost living feel to it. Pleasant aromas from some of the ethnic food restaurants entice. The smell of mouth-watering signature dishes fills the air and often you can find a nearby open-air market swarmed by locals and visitors alike who are shopping for street food, fresh produce, meats, and delicacies.

The possible role of the Market in a campaign are myriad. It is a place where plot hooks can be bought and sold. It is a neutral ground where characters can meet on the sly. It is a provider of resources from tokens to more unusual abstractions. And most important of all, it is a source of undiluted wonder, quirky fantasy and subtle dread. The diverse and eclectic nature of the market will almost certainly ensure that one will meet all kinds of interesting individuals there; including misfits and people with strange personalities. In that regard, the market is no different than any other public locale.