NPC Monster, Augmented Zombie Crewmember

These are the standard zombie that was been hastily modified for combat (usually by a Doctor zombie), but has not undergone complete conversion into a fully fledged scrap zombie. They behave exactly like the standard Zombie Crewmember, but are typically slightly more dangerous as a result of their modifications.

Augmented Zombie Crewmembers may have arms that can range from normal to limbs with armored plating, some spikes or clawed fingers on the hand or arm, to complete makeovers with limbs that look more like a cyborg arm with weapons built into the forearm or replacing the hands, to skeleton limbs that end with a clawed hand, blade or energy weapon. Regardless of the form and degree the weaponization takes, the hand, or hand and forearm, will have been replaced with some sort of weapon system. Fingers might be replaced with knife blades and knuckles spiked. Or the entire hand, or hand and forearm, may be replaced with a machete or sword, axe, pick-head, spike or saw blade, or with a functioning electric drill, chainsaw, jackhammer, or energy weapon converted from a pistol, rifle or piece torn from a suit of military power armor or robot.

Zombie Stats

Also Known As: The Resurrected, Walking Dead, Risen Dead, and just zombies.

Alignment: Considered Diabolic, because they are deployed as the hunters and destroyers of human life. Really just drones.

Attribute of Zombies (it doesn’t matter what they were when alive): I.Q. 1D4 (not really applicable; follows programing and simple commands from the Transmission and some Scrap Zombies), M.A. not applicable, M.E. not applicable, P.S. 1D4+20 (equivalent to Augmented Strength), P.E. not applicable, P.P. 1D4+5, P.B. 1D6, Spd 1D4+4. Note: See Optional Zombie Modifier Tables, below, for some alternative appearances and behavior of Chaos Zombies.

S.D.C. by Location:

Head – 1D6+20

Arms and Hands (2) – 1D6+10 each

Legs and Feet (2) – 1D6+20 each

Main Body – 1D4x10+25 S.D.C.

Horror Factor (H.F.): 9 for 1-4 Chaos Zombies. 10 for a small group of 5-18 Chaos Zombies, H.F. 12 for several dozen. Note: Whenever there are more than a couple zombies, 10-20% are likely to be Scrap Zombies.

Size: Human. Can be of any height or weight of a human, but usually between 5-7 feet (1.5 and 2.1 m) and 100-300 pounds (45 to 135 kg).

Weight: Varies depending on size as is typical for human beings; 90-130 pounds (40.5 to 58.5 kg) for small and thin people, 150-300 pounds (67.5 to 135 kg) for most typical humans, sometimes more; people come in all shapes and sizes.

Average Life Span: Chaos Zombies exist until destroyed or as long as the Transmission keeps playing. Through dark magic and constant repair by Doctors and the Intelligence, this threat can keep going indefinitely.

Level of Experience: Not applicable. Zombies do not learn nor grow with experience; they are drones.

P.P.E.: None, they are dead.

Natural Abilities: Standard as per Zombies. Impervious to disease, poison, gases, alcohol, heat, drowning, mind control, pain, fear, and possession. They also have no need to eat, drink, sleep, or breathe. Programmed to hunt living humans and humanoids, kill them and leave their bodies where they fall so they can rise 4D6+10 minutes later as a Chaos Zombie. Tracking skill of 20% when trying to follow the trail of

human prey, otherwise wanders off when prey is not apparent. Alternately programed for salvage recovery, during which the creature can identify and recover electronics, wiring, cybernetics, bionics, weapons (all types), M.D.C. armor, scrap metal and M.D.C. materials, and bring them to a Doctor zombie.

Vulnerabilities: S.D.C. weapons do their normal damage. Magic spells and all other types of magic inflict their usual damage. Note: Chaos and Scrap Zombies do not heal or Bio-Regenerate on their own. They do, however, continue to function until the Head or Main Body is reduced to zero (or less) S.D.C./M.D.C. They need the help of a Stitcher or to return to a machine shop to get repairs.

Skills of Note (Combat and Salvage Programming): Programmed as hunter-killers with the most rudimentary of skills: Climbing 20%, Salvage 50%, Tailing 40% and Tracking 20%. Chaos Zombies may, on occasion, pick up and use any melee weapon, including a piece of pipe or wood to use as a club, but does so without benefit of bonuses other than those listed below. Never uses a weapon to parry. No W.P. skills as such. If a pistol or rifle is picked up by a Chaos Zombie, it uses the weapon as a club. Skills do not increase with experience. When necessary, the Transmission may order Chaos Zombies to collect electronics, weapons, and scrap, as described above under Natural Abilities.

Attacks per Melee: Two.

Damage: As per Augmented P.S.; a punch or claw strike does 1D6 S.D.C. plus P.S. bonus (if any). Crush/Squeeze after grabbing a victim in a bear hug inflicts 1D6 plus P.S. damage bonus. Bite does 1D6 S.D.C. damage (P.S. bonus does not apply to bites). Power Punch does 1 M.D. but uses both of its

attacks for that melee round.

Bonuses (in addition to possible attribute bonuses): +1 to strike, +3 to grab and grapple, never tries to parry, dodge, disarm, pull punch, or roll with impact. Impervious to Horror Factor and mind-affecting magic and psionic powers. Otherwise, +2 to save vs magic and psionics.

Psionics: None.

Magic: None.

Cybernetics and Bionics: None

Weapons: Typically none, but sometimes picks up blunt objects

like a length of pipe, a rock, club/piece of wood, hammer,

shovel, rifle (used as a club), or even a knife, axe or sword if it

is handy to use as weapons. Doesn’t know how to use, load

or fire a gun. Most blunt weapons and common blade weapons

do 1D6 or 2D4 S.D.C. damage depending on their size and

weight, with the largest and heaviest doing the most damage

(2D6 S.D.C.). Cannot operate machinery, cannot drive a vehicle

or fire a weapon, or even turn a knob to open a door.

Armor: None.

Enemies: The living and threats to the ship and the Intelligence.

Allies: None per se. Recognizes other Chaos Zombies as noncombatants

and Scrap Zombies as quasi-leaders that a Chaos

Zombie will follow if commanded to do so.

Habitat: Can exist anywhere, but can only function within range

of the Transmission and the Intelligence. Point of origin is the Resurrection ship.

Roll 1D4 times on this table.

1% Spear Gun Limb: One hand and forearm is either replaced (01-50%) by a spear gun, or has one incorporated into the forearm (51-00%). Bonuses: +1D6 S.D.C., +1 to Horror Factor, spear gun damage is 2D6+2 per normal spear (can use special rounds such as explosive-tipped, double damage, tranquilizer dart, 1D4 damage plus knockout for 2D4+2 minutes, etc.), spear gun range is 420 feet (130 m), +2 to strike with the weapon. Penalties: -15% to all skills if one hand is replaced by the spear gun. The zombie has no bonuses to hit. The zombie has only one usage of the spear gun, and cannot replace it once it is fired.

2% Wood planks - The body of the zombie is covered by small wooden planks crudely nailed or bolted in place. Add 1D4x10 to S.D.C., 2 to P.E., and 1 to H.F.

3% Spikes/Razors: The zombie’s two main arms and hands, shoulders, and back are covered with metal spikes or rusty razor blades, bits of sharp debris, or thick lines of barbed wire; anything metal and sharp works. Anyone grabbing the zombies mare’s arm or hand takes 2D6 damage., and grappling or wrestling

with it, or leaping on its back or shoulders inflicts 6D6 damage to the attacking individual each melee round due to being stabbed by the spikes/razors. Adds +8D6 S.D.C. to Main Body, +1 to parry, and adds +2D4 damage to its punch damage, and 2 to H.F.

4% Armored Shoulder Pads: The zombie is wearing big, armor-plated shoulder pads, similar to a football player or larger (or shoulder spikes). They add +4D6+24 S.D.C. to the two main arms.

5% Patchwork Armor: The zombie has scrap metal bolted onto its torso and shoulder areas. Add 2D4x10+24 to the S.D.C. of the Main Body.

6% Razor Blades/Glass Shards: Instead of teeth, this zombie has wicked and painful-looking razor blades or sharp pieces of metal or ceramic for teeth. They look like they were installed intentionally. Bites inflict 4D4 damage.

7% Face Plate: +40 to the S.D.C. of the head. A metal plate that covers the face. It may be attached to a helmet or bolted directly into the front of the zombie’s face. The zombie cannot bite or growl or moan. However, this adds to the zombie's stealthiness. Prowl 45%.

8% Camera Lens: Either a camera lens has been placed over the eye, or the entire eye or even both eyes have been replaced by a camera scope. The type depends on what other the Intelligence had in mind when it reconstructed the zombie. More than likely, the camera lens are useless except to recycle for human use (after a thorough cleaning), but disturbing. +2 to Horror Factor. Though if functional, they enable the Intelligence to record video footage of intruders or take snapshots for later reference.

9% Metal spikes and rebar and/or knives and hooks, and sharp metal shards the zombie deliberately stabbed through its body, the points facing out, to create a sort of makeshift pin-cushion armor. Armor Bonuses: +2 to the Zombie’s A.R. (improves A.R. to 16). +1 to the zombie’s Horror Factor. And anyone pushed into this spiked armor or grabbed by the Zombie and pulled into it takes 2D6 damage. Oddly, the Armored Zombie does not think to use these spikes and blades as weapons, instead clubbing or stabbing its opponents to kill them. Armor S.D.C.: 60. Armor Penalties: Reduce Spd by 10% due to encumbrance.
