Titles of Caspian

Caspian is known by many different titles (God-King, Lord of the World, The Benefactor, Supreme One), epithets (The One Above All, King of Gods, God of Kings, the Ruler of the Worlds, The Lord of All, Pinnacle of Ascendence, Supreme Being of the Cosmos, Possessor of the Moons, Setter of Boundaries, Lord of Reality, Overseer of the Shining Court, Master of the Kaiju, Key to the Palace of Eternity), invocations ("Deus Rex") and other names (The Hidden Menace, The Bringer of Order, Conqueror, The Destroyer, Terror of Nations).

All of these titles refer to the same individual named Caspian, the deity and ruler of the Tainted Cosmos and are used variably by Caspianists and others.

The inhabitants of the Kingdom do not acknowledge any greater authority than the God-King, seeing him as both the absolute ruler and supreme deity of their universe.

Many of the titles given to Caspian are dogmatic in nature. Many other titles are poetic or allegorical and have lesser or no canonical status, but which form part of popular imagery, with varying degrees of acceptance by the populace. Yet more titles refer to depictions of Caspian in the history of art and culture.
