NPC, The Great Whore

She sat upon her throne of gold, arms out on their rests, nose turned slightly upward. Her luxurious silk two-piece garment was a deep purple, edged in a garnet red. Her top was like in fashion to those of a belly dancer, with a thin, transparent scarf draped around her shoulders and arms. Her skirt went halfway to the knee, with one piece of scarlet fabric reaching down the front's center and three inches longer than the skirt's end. Golden bangles encrusted with jewels of all sorts adorned her wrists. Round her neck was more gold, this time accompanied by the most beautiful of pearls.

In her right hand, she held a golden cup, which was filled with the blood of saints. Most would look upon her and be utterly captivated by her beauty. Her scarlet hair ran down her back and along her shoulders, begging to be stroked. Her lips were full and luscious, red as her hair, and quirked into an enticing smile.

A woman of such beauty, such power, must have all that she wished.

But her eyes were red. Streaks darkened her cheeks where her makeup had run, and there was a haunted look in her devilish eyes. She swayed as if drunken, hardly able to hold her cup aloft and keep it's contents from spilling. She breathed heavily, as one does after having cried deeply, and looked up as a being came into her presence.

God came before her throne, bearing in His hand a golden cup more magnificent than the woman's own.

"Babylon," He said. "I have come to bring my wrath upon thee."

The woman sneered in disgust.

"My kings have abandoned me. My beast has left. I, who was most loved, now am hated so."

Her red-rimmed eyes turned to the floor, an expression of bitterness coming over her.

"What have I left?" she said quietly, voice hoarse.

The Almighty offered His cup to Babylon. She glanced at it sideways, looking as if she were trying to regain some dignity. Tossing her own cup aside, she took it with both hands and rose to her feet. Head high, she lifted it to her lips, and drank.

As she swallowed the last drop, she released the cup, letting it fall to the ground with a clatter. She screamed in agony as pain wracked her body, falling to the ground as the cup had.

"It is done." said God.

And the earth shook as it had never before.