Dimension, Rapture World

The book of Revelation is a work of fiction describing how a truly vicious god would bring about the end of the world. No half-smart religious person actually believes the book of Revelation. They are certain that their god would never turn into a malicious torturer and mass murderer beyond Hitler's wildest dreams.

--- Lawrence O'Donnell,

If the Abrahamic God exists, he is neither loving nor caring. He doesn’t give a shit about your prayers, your wishes, or your dreams. God is a killing machine that quenches his thirst with human blood and laughs at our misery. God despises the human race, which might be why he created thousands of diseases and disorders to torture and kill us with. God allows the innocent to be beaten, tortured, raped, and killed. He allows many criminals to walk free of punishment, he laughs as natural disasters devastate regions of people, and he’s let billions of people die of starvation slowly and painfully. God flaunts his jealousy, is proud of being homophobic, and can’t build a universe big enough to house his giant ego. He has created humans to do nothing more than praise him, fund his child molesting priests, and devote our very existence in carrying out his perverted fantasies. God is an egotistical dickhead that is barely worth acknowledging, much less worshiping. He deserved to get his ass kicked and his face smashed in, preferably by all of the people who were deceived by his false promises and exaggerated claims. He treated his son like shit, sending him off to die a slow, painful, bloody death in order to compensate for the sins of planet Earth. Father like son, Jesus was no better. Preaching against the rich, lying about his father’s personality, and fooling countless people in to believing that praying for something is a guaranteed way to get the results you desire. No human that ever lived could have committed the number of atrocities as this father and son team. On top of that, these bastards are worshipped by a staggering number of people all over the world. The worship, the praise, and the devotion to God, Jesus, and the rest of the holy gang is not out of love, but fear. It’s the fear of a fiery death, fear of the unknown, and fear of the apparent power and wrath of these unverified supernatural beings that keep the faithful on their knees. If you can’t beat ‘em, join ‘em; and surely the average religious follower doesn’t have a prayer in beating God. Like abused housewives, religious followers often wrestle with leaving their faith but in the end are too afraid of the possible consequences. --- Anonymous

The campaign setting known as Rapture World is based around the premise of

What if you were to suddenly find out tomorrow that the God of the Christian Evangelicals was real?

...that He HAD created the world, had created you, the Bible was true, Jesus had died on the cross for your sins etc.

What would you do?

What is your response?

Anger? Agreement? Kowtowing to this being? Resigned acceptance, passive aggression, active aggression, resigned damnation?

Would you fall on your face and worship him? Why or why not?

The Shepherd protects you from Wolves because He wants to fleece and eat you Himself.

The Valley of the Shadow of Death is on the road to the Slaughter House.


before it’s too late;

A Sheep is a terrible thing to be.

What would you do?

The Rapture World Setting is named after a singular event that kicks off the Campaign.

This event happened in the blink of an eye; people disappeared off the streets and even out of moving vehicles. One moment they were there—the next, all that was left was a pile of clothes. . .