Location, Wayne Manor

Wayne Manor, the grand and stately home of Bruce Wayne, had always been a symbol of hope and prosperity in Gotham City. But on a dark and fateful day, it had become a shadow of its former self.

The nuclear bomb had struck with devastating force, reducing much of the mansion to rubble and ash. The once-majestic pillars that had stood tall and proud now lay in ruins, their ornate carvings and intricate details reduced to dust.

The grand entrance hall, which had once welcomed guests with its grandeur and elegance, was now a charred and blackened shell. The grand staircase, which had once been a testament to the wealth and power of the Wayne family, was now a twisted and mangled mess.

In the distance, the once-verdant gardens and lush lawns were now scorched and barren, the trees and bushes reduced to ashes. The once-pristine pond was now a deep crater, filled with the murky waters of the nuclear blast.

As the dust settled and the smoke cleared, it was clear that Wayne Manor would never be the same again. The grand and majestic home that had stood as a symbol of hope and prosperity in Gotham City was now nothing more than a ruined and desolate shell.