Faction, True Believers

Attitude Towards the Beast and the One Nation Earth

Most believers are not exactly adverse to the concept of a global empire ruled by a totalitarian dictator with supernatural powers. They just prefer Yeshua to the Beast.

Attitude Towards the Bible:

Thinks the Bible is an intact and coherent book, a unitary "word of God" that explains itself harmoniously no matter which chapter or author one is reading. If the Bible seems troublesome, they will simply say context; and thus evil becomes good. Surely a handful of sycophantic praises mitigates hundreds of cruel commands and bloodcurdling barbarities.

Believes that the principle tenets of Christianity is this: Those that believe Jesus was the son of God, who died on the cross to atone for all of past and future sins, will experience everlasting life in the kingdom of Heaven.*

* This is not something that Yeshua ever said. Yeshua's position was clear. Heaven would be reserved exclusively for the "righteous." In other words, he was referring to those that obeyed Yahweh's commandments to the letter. Nowhere in the New Testement does Yeshua make any statement regarding the supposedly sacrificial purpose behind his death. It was Paul, and the Gospels that gave differing reasons for Yeshua's crucifixion. Paul said that he died for humanity's sins, while Luke said it was to make the Jews realize they were sinful and therefore need to turn to Yahweh for forgiveness. Mark said it was an atoning sacrifice for the original sin.

They will consistently ignore the Old Testament portrayal of God’s murderous behavior. Often they claim that the New Testament overrides and replaces the Old Testament, based on the idea that Jesus supplied mankind with a new covenant. But what cannot be denied is that Jesus himself was a student of the Old Testament, firmly believed in it, and warned that it was not to be ignored or discarded. In their minds, their God is a god of mercy, love and compassion. A characterization that is ultimately due to Bible illiteracy, charismatic preachers and historical ignorance.

Attitude towards Yahweh and Yeshua:

Truly Brainwashed: Their lives are devoted to their God(s) and they naturally rush to his defense. The atrocities he commits are a small part of a greater and righteous plan. Unable to justify God's treatment of his chosen people and the world, at least not after goading.

Types of True Believers



"Jesus has given me His authority. I am His ambassador to His world (Kingdom) here on earth. I fully represent Jesus. If this world rejects Jesus they reject God who sent Him. When I command things to happen, in the name of Jesus, they happen. I represent Him. Lock, stock and barrel. No doubts about it. Jesus said so."