Vehicle, Flying Saucer

In Game

When used as an adventure location instead of a vehicle, the flying saucer provides many exciting adventure possibilities. It might be the object of a search — buried under arctic ice, crash-landed in the jungle, or hidden in the depths of the sea. Or, it can serve as a means of bringing the adventure to the characters, with its alien crew contacting or abducting them.

A Typical Flying Saucer layout and facilities:

A typical flying saucer is a disk 20-75 feet across, with a domed top. When resting on (or just above) the ground, the vehicle is perhaps 5-10 feet thick (sometimes less). Volume for a vehicle of this size is 500-15,000 cubic feet, depending on shape. Larger and smaller saucers have been seen, but these dimensions are typical for “close encounter” sightings. Doors open from the side of the disk (or from the top, on low-to-the ground models). Stairways often lead into the depths of the vehicle, which is frequently much larger inside than out.

Qualtanna Flying Saucers

Silver Snatcher

Resembles classic descriptions of a UFO, with a round, silver body shaped like a saucer. It is quite large, able to abduct small and medium sized vehicles in their entirety, though this will rapidly fill up internal storage.

The Silver Snatcher UFO uses a combination of advanced stealth, holographic technology and false communications to perform "plain view" abductions. The method the UFO uses to perform plain view abductions requires it to engage its stealth system, rendering it invisible on a wide variety of electromagnetic wavelengths. The wavelengths chosen are optimized to the known abilities of the targets, which can result in it being seen if the targets have unexpected abilities or technology.

Once stealthed, the ship chooses a target for abduction and follows it. At the optimum time, the ship uses it's holographic abilities to create an illusion of the target while the actual target is tractored into the abductor. The illusion then behaves in a manner that will not attract attention until it can drop out of sight, allowing the UFO to end the illusion. This can involve the target simply walking out into the wilderness, entering a crowd or building, or otherwise leaving view. Sometimes this proves impossible, and the hologram is simply ended in a location with minimal viewers which are unlikely to be believed, such as children or the intoxicated.

Weather or not the abducted individuals are returned, replaced or simply disappeared depends on the UFOs mission profile.

Targets are also isolated by use of false communications to direct traffic away from the target, or to redirect the target itself. This can involve sending police or other emergency vehicles false orders, face radio reports, hacking GPS data to reroute the target, or even phone calls from someone that needs them.

Hive Maker UFO

This type of UFO often only flies a single time. It works in conjunction with prior infiltrators to land in an area where it will not be disturbed for an extended period while it constructs a base for later habitation.

Physically the Hive Maker is an off white sphere about the size of a house, with a simple stealth system. The purpose of the stealth system is to hide it or, failing that, make it appear as a much smaller and uninteresting falling meteor. After plunging through the atmosphere, it performs evasive maneuvers while hugging the ground.

After it lands, often in water deep enough to completely cover it, it begins to deploy it's densely packed equipment while cannibalizing it's no longer needed landing components. It's only purposes are to prepare a hidden base for other Qualtana forces and avoid detection.

The base is constructed in an area that will be undisturbed as long as possible, such as a wilderness preserve or contaminated area that has been abandoned. The design is based on information given by prior infiltrators, who provide various requirements for remaining undetected and future mission needs.

The base the Hive Maker builds is robust but bare bones. The hive maker constructs no advanced equipment, only sturdy tunnels and chambers arranged based on mission projections. Useful materials found while digging are refined and stored for later use. These storage rooms could be mistaken for a secret gold, silver, gemstone or other vaults by exporers.

Even with planning, unexpected things can occur and the Hive Maker sometimes burrows into prexisting structures such as caves, basements, sewers and utility unnels. This is increasingly likely if it is attempting to build near an inhabited, or previously inhabited, area.

In event of unrecrifiable mission failure through discovery, the Hive Maker will rapidly destroy the base by caving in all tunnels and chambers before self destructing in a small nuclear blast. This process can take minutes or hours, depending on the size of the base. It will not do this if the base is already occupied by Qualtana forces.

The Kingdom's Flying Saucers

All scout-level flying saucers are of tech level 10 technology. The mother ships measure over a hundred meters in height and width, and each is emblazoned with a golden crescent moon.

Nazi Flying Saucers

Each is emblazoned with a night-dark swastika.

Crews of the Nazi's flying saucers have been carefully selected for their appearances, and resemble blond, blue-eyed humans, often very tall and muscular in build.