Item, Golden Apple

Wondrous Item (Cursed), Rare

This cursed golden apple closely resembles a real apple, its shiny surface reflecting light in an almost mesmerizing manner. To all appearances, it is a delectable fruit that could easily tempt anyone to take a bite.

Beauty's Deceit: The apple seems to radiate a subtle, otherworldly aroma, a blend of sweetness and temptation that lingers in the air. The hypnotic quality of the apple's appearance can captivate even the most wary of souls, as if it has a subtle allure that whispers promises of hidden delights. As one gazes upon it, there's an inexplicable pull, a sensation that stirs the senses and curiosity. Any creature that can see and smell the cursed apple must make a DC 10 Wisdom saving throw or feel a strong compulsion to take a bite. The saving throw is made at disadvantage if the creature has a vulnerability to charm effects.

Curse: Once a person takes a bite from the cursed golden apple, they must succeed on a DC 15 Wisdom saving throw or fall ino a deep, death-like slumber. While in this slumber, the victim experiences vivid and often disturbing dreams that manipulate their emotions and fears. Once in this state the charac­ter shall stay until the curse is lifted. In that regard, the victim's friends and allies may be more adversely affected than the vic­tim of the curse, because it is left to them to lift it and restore their comrade. For as long as the victim remains asleep, the character's Charisma is raised by +6 points, and seems angelic and tranquil in his/her repose. The victim is so helpless and so beautiful, those who come across him/her are usually stricken with a feeling of love (deep infatuation) for the victim and an overwhelming urge to protect or help him/her by awakening the one. If the same sex, the character is not so much in love with the Sleeping Beauty, but struck by the apparent nobility and/or goodness of the sleeper and is motivated or the persona of the sleeper with the same end result as "love." If the character fails to save, then he or she will do every­ thing in his/her power to a) see that the sleeper comes to no harm, and, b) seek a remedy for the curse (i.e. lift the curse and awaken the sleeper). Most times, the smitten character moves the victim to a safe place or arranges for some means of protec­tion while he and allies go forth to lift the curse. Obvi­ously, lifting the curse becomes something of an obsession and a quest for the character infatuated by the sleeper. However, it is NOT an all consuming one and the smitten character can go about other business, but always his thoughts return to the sleeper and how he must lift the curse and awake the vibrant in­dividual. When and if the Sleeping Beauty's savior finds a way to lift the curse, the savior the revives the victim and in so doing ex­pects to win the Sleeping Beauty's favor, love or friendship in return. Needless to say, this puts the victim in a sticky situation, since he or she probably scarcely remembers being asleep at all, much less becoming the object of a stranger's affections or de­votion. Moreover, as soon as the curse is lifted, the aura of mag­ical beauty and goodness vanishes and the individual is seen as he or she really is, which may be an instant disappointment to the rescuer. Likewise, the enchantment is lifted from the rescuer so he/she is no longer enamored or impressed by the sleeper in any way and can go on with his/her life.

True Love's Kiss: The only way to awaken someone under the curse of the golden apple is for someone who truly loves them to kiss them. If a creature willingly attempts to kiss the cursed individual with true love in their heart, the victim can make another DC 15 Wisdom saving throw to awaken from the slumber.

Breaking the Curse: In order to break the curse, the cursed individual must be kissed by someone who truly loves them, fulfilling the requirement of "true love's kiss." The golden apple itself loses its magical properties after the curse is broken, becoming an ordinary, non-magical apple.