Artifact, The Old Thulkosian Magical Nullifier

Once he conquered Thulkos, Tyrannon outlawed the old alchemical technology. He did not, however, change the laws of magic so that it wouldn’t work. He became a god through such devices; after becoming the Conqueror, Tyrannon was no longer a skilled enough theorist to predict the consequences of destroying the very magic that created him. He might destroy himself too!

Tyrannon did try to find and destroy all examples of spell-smithing, and purge all knowledge of the art, but a few well-hidden caches of weapons survive. Tyrannon probably is not Vulnerable to spell-smith devices, since the old Thulkosians failed to destroy him with such weapons, but heroes who fight the Conqueror need every weapon they can get. Some devices might be powerful enough to kill or incapacitate a Viceroy, if heroes use it properly.

This specimen of Old Thulkosian technomagic consists of several crystal globes mounted on an array of gimballed metal rings, like an orrery. The nine rings spin in an orbital fashion, weaving in and out and spinning end over end. Each ring is made of some precious metal. The outer and largest ring is of green gold. The next is of rose gold. The third is made from black crystal. The fourth is of an amazing pink diamond, that sends off purple glints as light touches it. The fifth ring is a black metal forged in the abyssal halls of the lower Hells; so black that it seems to suck in any light that touches it, yet when it spins flames flicker and dance across the surface like fiery lightning. The sixth ring is made from a blue steel, polished to reflect the fiery brilliance in the alien black ring next to it. The seventh ring is of white gold, and is inlaid with runes of sapphire. The ninth is of emerald rimmed with jade with bone and gold filigree runes etched into the surface. All of these rings revolve around a glowing ruby the size of a man's head. On it, runes are set, and wards of immense power are inlaid on the gem in true silver. The whole arrangement stands atop a five-foot tall podium of gold and bronze, filigree metal accentuating its surface. The effect is made brazen by the amount of gems that wind their way, vine-like, up to the top. The artifact almost visibly radiates power, power so strong it makes the eyes water and stings their nostrils.

When the apparatus turns, it casts a powerful field that reduces any one magical effect by 30 Active Points. The device consumes enormous amounts of mystical energy; the Old Thulkosians attached the device to a magical generator, but heroes could try running it off their own power — for a little while.

Suppress Magic 10d6 (standard Effect: 30 points), any Magic power one at a time (+¼), Area Of Effect (10” Radius; +1), MegaScale (1” = 1 km wide, deep, and broad; +¼), Power Can Draw END From Character Or Endurance Reserve (+¼), Reduced Endurance (½ END; +¼) (150 Active Points); OAF Bulky (-1½), Extra

Time (1 Turn to activate; -¾), Independent (-2), Requires A Spell Research Roll (-½). Total cost: 26 points.