Device, The Daulphin

The Citadel is maintained and monitored by an immense computer, know as the Dauphin. All the day to day operations that seem to magically happen are managed by Dauphin or one of its nodes. Each is networked together to coordinate operations and keep it all going without a hitch. There are 150 of these nodes overseeing, managing, and directing millions of tasks every day. The Dauphin is completely self-functioning and operates with a fair degree of autonomy within its given parameters. Living operators are present only to supervise (as best they can) and address out of the ordinary occurrences that might need a more human response. However, the computer is so advanced, so precise and so on top of everything, there are few occurrences that the Dauphin does not have a set protocol response for handling. Furthermore, it is able to learn and formulate new responses based on available data and past responses to similar situations. Thus, if necessary, the Dauphin can "think up" a new plan as necessary. It is said that the Dauphin could function and keep the Citadel running entirely on its own without input from the living, for a millennium.

The duties of the Dauphin are numerous. Its primary function is surveillance. It also assists the Caspian and the others with research. Though the Dauphin is the most highly advanced thinking machine in the known universe, it is not self-aware.

Surveillance: Everything in the Citadel is bugged, of course, as well as under video surveillance, all hidden in various nooks and crannies and the mileage recorded onto miniature disks embedded in the central processing unit of the computer that controls the Citadel’s electronic functions. It does not matter, there is never enough staff and time to review the disks—miles and miles of disks, spread over townships of watched over territory. Each disk is slightly smaller than an inch in diameter, and due to super-compression digital technology, can hold a decade’s worth of spoken conversation if recorded twenty-four hours a day.

Research: The Dauphin has millions of projects logged in its memory of experiments from genetics to weather control. The Dauphin might be attempting to find the last digit of PI, analyzing snow on various mountains and doing statistical analysis on songs and their notes, etc.

Warfare: During the war, Dauphin had access to various modem and a number of security breaking programs, allowing it to interface with a number of different computers and cause untold damage.

Treat the Dauphin as a Tech Level 11 Living City as outlined in Pyramid - 3 - 37, with a complexity of 11 and the Heavy Duty option. The Dauphin is a Non-Volitional AI: not artificially intelligent.

Dauphin Interface: