Power, Power Augmentation

The ability to enhance the powers of oneself or others. Sub-power of Superpower Manipulation. The opposite of Downgrading.

The user can enhance the powers of themselves or others' so that they can reach high level mastery and control instantaneously, even reach a level of power that is usually beyond their limits alone. Users cannot steal or give power, only enhance the ones their targets already have.

    • Decrease the amount of P.P.E. necessary to activate a power or spell by 25%, rounding down (minimum of one P.P.E. for activating an ability).

    • Increase the range of a power or spell by 50%.

    • Increase the duration of a power or spell by 50%.

    • Increase the damage of an offensive power or spell

    • Increase the protection/S.D.C. of a defensive power or spell by 25%.

    • Increase the number needed to save vs a spell or power by +1.