Power, Manipulation: Ethereal

Users can control Ether, a pure type of energy that only some true immortals or Deities can use. This ability allows the user to tap into the legendary Ethereal energy from various planes of existence and utilize that rare energy in a manner that gives the user a god-like status throughout the cosmos. It has been said that supreme Deities wield this power to rule over all of existence. Users are given the potential to do so as well, often ruling their homeworlds and surrounding systems. Advanced users learn to gain power over the galaxies themselves, and possibly even to their universe.


    • Aether Manipulation

      • Aether Generation

      • Cosmological Force Manipulation

        • Astral Manipulation

        • Celestral Manipulation

        • Cosmic Manipulation

        • Dark Matter Manipulation

        • Elemental Energy Manipulation


    • Often mistaken for true omnipotence or nigh omnipotence, as the user is given virtually limitless power that can bring order or chaos over their universe itself or even multiple universes.

    • One could go insane with all the power they possess.

    • Does not provide omniscience, but users can use their powers in numerous ways to gain the knowledge they need. Effective use requires both knowledge and imagination: knowledge to offer templates for applications, and imagination to shape new possibilities.