World, Caspia

World Name and Current Year: Caspia.

Current Affairs: Transdimensional Conquest.

Divergence Point: Unknown

Major Civilizations: Celes, The Imperium, the Outer Planets. [Empire with satellite states]

Great Powers: Celes (Autocratic totalitarian theocratic dictatorship, Utopia CR5), The Imperium (Feudal, Subjugated, CR4). Barbarian (Clan/Tribal, CR1), the Outer Planets (Usually Clan/Tribal, CR1).

TL: Celes TL 11, The Imperium TL 3-5, Barbarian 0-1, the Outer Planets: 1-2.

Mana Level: Normal Mana.

Quantum: Pocket Multiverse.

Infinity Class: Class Z

Centrum Zone: Zone Red.

Caspia (formerly known as and commonly referred to as "Old-Earth") is the throne-world of the Kingdom and is located in the Tainted Cosmos universe.

It is the third planet from its sun, and possesses five continents.




Like the Mesozoic era, Caspia mainly lacks polar ice and has very few frigid regions, and possesses higher levels of carbon-dioxide and oxygen than in previous recent ages. Oxygen content hovers between 24-28%. Humidity is higher, but not any more so than the humid tropical levels found in ages past. If modern humans were brought forward, there would be a period of adjustment, but they could easily survive.

Some frequent volcanic activity adds carbon to the atmosphere, increasing the average global temperature.

Oceans are smaller, and rainfall is frequent and water plentiful.

Native Lifeforms:

One of the extremely notable differences between Caspia and Old-Earth was the introduction of countless species of prehistoric organisms, including dinosaurs and ancient mammals. These organisms were considered to be extinct until about eight thousand years ago, and were brought back during the transcension of the planet. The means by which this was accomplished is still unknown, but some form of time travel is believed to have been involved.

Different continents are populated with life forms from different eras. For instance, the Western Continent is populated by Cretaceous species, Jurassic animals rule the Eastern continent. Triassic animals inhabit the South-Eastern continent, and all sorts of prehistoric mammals from the Paleogene inhabit the northern continent. The Central continent is home to Permian, Carboniferous and Devonian species.

More "modern" versions of animal life tend to be restricted to the southern continent.

The oceans of Caspia are extremely diverse, with modern-day whales competing with marine reptiles and ancient sharks.


In the distant past, rapid population growth lead to agriculture and development led to the destruction of many tropical forests. The forests have long since recovered, and now cover a greater portion of the planet than ever before: over 20 percent of Caspia’s surface is occupied by rainforest.

The massive trees of some of the forests dwarf even the mighty sequoias of Old Earth, and throw mile-long shadows over their surroundings.


There are an estimated thirteen billion human beings in the Tainted Cosmos. Around a hundred million live within the Imperium, half as much dwell on each of the other continents. Another forty million in the Dungeon. The rest are dispersed among the various colonial worlds in the outer reaches and other planets.


Having evolved over eight thousand years to its present form, Imperial society is incredibly sophisticated, baroque, and decadent. The extent of its barbarity seems always clothed in a facade of elegance.



Caspianism is the state-religion in every kingdom of the Imperium on the Southern Continent.

Other philosophies and view-points:



Yes, strangely, there are a few individuals that say that Caspian and the other divine beings do not exist, have never existed, and were in face invented by mortals thousands of years ago. Some of the more "enlightened" societies have classified disloyalty/disbelief in the God-King as a mental illness and such individuals are kept hospitalized until the "poor souls" can recover their wits.


The Dead Religions and the Five Heresies:

On Caspia, there are many religions that are not taken seriously enough to pay attention to them. There are also many dead religions of the past that are ignored. They do not merit thought or discussion. They are dead. They have no relevance in anyone's lives. Unless one is interested in the history of these religions, they are simply ignored – their scriptures, their prophets, their religious duties, their rituals, and their threats of punishment in the afterlife. They no longer matter to anyone anymore.


Moons of Caspia

Caspia originally had a single moon, but sometime in the last eight thousand years, it was joined by a second one.

Caspia's Solar System:

The Sun:

The seat of the Kingdom, Caspia, circles an average-sized orange sun which contains 99.86 percent of the system's known mass and dominates it gravitationally. The Sun's four largest orbiting bodies, the gas giants, account for 99 percent of the remaining mass.

The First:

The Red Planet:

The Ringed Giant:

See main article

The Great Vaporous Giant:

See main article