Artifact, The Gift


The object's entire presence seems to speak of antiquity, of a time thousands or millions years of years past, and yet looks as new as the day it was made; roughly cylindrical, approximately twenty-four inches long, and nine in diameter. It appears to be a bejeweled leather container with no apparent access to the interior. The odd animal hide is a bright, silver-dappled scarlet leather. Small bony nodules protrude here and there, glistening like pearl. Transparent yellow jewels, oval in shape, are embedded among tooled characters of a language unknown even to best scholars. Its size and weight make it an uncomfortable companion, but it can be stuffed into a bag and is easy to hide and transport. A wide strap of the same leather hangs loose, allowing it to be carried on a person's shoulder.

A scientific analysis will reveal the dermis that the skin doesn't naturally exist in nature and is from no known species. What is stranger is that the hide gives the appearance of having been taken from a live animal. For it to have been tooled this way, with the flexibility it had to possess then, and still possesses now, it could only have been done if the creature had been freshly slaughtered and the hide tanned immediately. A spectral analysis will reveal that the jewels aren't amber, but gold that has been purified atomically to become crystallized. Current science has no way of producing gold like this, as there will always be impurities. Magical scans reveals that some strange power permeates the material that makes up the Gift. It is clear from examining its resonance that this isn't simply a matter of some entity taking up residence within the object -- it is something within the physicality of the object itself.

The tooled characters aren't even close to any known language; not even a root language to compare it to. It seems more like hieroglyphics than anything else human, but exotic and unfamiliar in form, as if it were alien calligraphy. The delicate writing is exquisite, not uniform yet orderly, with a natural beauty that makes it appear like artwork as much as language.

There are no clues on who or what created, nor when, where, how or why.


Countless stories and legends about the Gift span the Kingdom and date back to stories passed on by oral tradition, way before the start of recorded history. Yet stories about the Gift can be found in distant and neighboring parallel realities and dimensions also. This supports the dogma that the Gift has no boundaries and goes whereever it is most needed -- anywhere and everywhere -- in the multiverse. That's why it seems to vanish for long periods of times, but resurfaces in times of need. The fact that it is purported to have appeared on specific worlds many times adds credence to those claims.

Though many claim that the Gift does not exist and never did, there are others who insist it is real. Like any legend, there are those who believe the stories are real or have some bearing in fact, while the majority do not. Believers are found in all walks of life, but none can explain how it simply appears and then vanishes.

The story goes something like this: Long ago, a powerful force somewhere, somehow, created a magical container to transport and inspire great good. The Gift seems impossible to hold onto, and never remains in place for very long. Thus, it has appeared and disappeared on countless worlds. It is frequently thought to be lost or destroyed, only to appear or reappear as if out of nowhere. The legends about the Gift are many, but the one thing everyone agrees upon its that in times of trouble and great strife, when help is most needed, the Gift appears and great changes occur in the course of civilization. On worlds overcome by evil, chaos and heresy, many call out for the Gift to return. They believe it will reappear at any time and shall deliver them from the darkness.

Others claim the Gift comes from an alien reality or parallel dimension. Of course, over the millennia a litany of deities have been identified as the object's creators, and religious wars fought over the issue.

As a thing of legend, there are those who question if the Gift has ever existed. For while there are many incredible tales, myths and legends spanning tens of thousands of years, there is no proof that the Gift is real. Indeed, the stories are so fantastic that some scholars, mages and scientists consider the Gift to be nothing more than a flight of fancy created to give people hope in desperate times. A role it has served quite well, as stories attributed to the Gift have inspired people to rise up.

Not every legend about the Gift is good or positive. There are plenty of cautionary tales that suggest the artifact is cursed and haunted. Others say that the Gift is dangerous, and that what it contains could create worlds or destroy them. That is is a container for what cannot be contained. There are a fair number of less popular legends that suggests that the Gift was created by dark forces. Those who believe the Gift is evil or flawed and misguided, claim it has sent many naive and innocent individuals to their doom by transporting their messengers to hellish realms.

There are legends stating that the Gift has been the target of a frenzied search by forces of hell for thousands of years. They have turned entire planets upside down seeking it, day and night, without ceasing, waiting to capture or destroy it when it does.

Some claim that the Gift contains nothing. Nothing more than an ancient paperweight not worth the material it is made from.

Some believe that the Gift is protected and concealed for long periods of times. Some say its protectors are members of a secret society that has existed for ages. Others say the Gift somehow finds protectors as they are needed, and that they are often the most unlikely of individuals.

There are entire worlds and civilizations whose people credit the Gift for their existence today. Such people often point to one pivotal moment in their history in which the Gift is said to have appeared, inspired a throng of people to take the role of hero, and these "heroes" played an important role in their people's or world's survival or progress. Such tales speak of rising up against injustice and tyranny, or the courage of heroes who prevented mass destruction or stopped some unspeakable evil. While many of these savior scenarios go back thousands of years, some are only a few generations old.

Who or what decides where the Gift might appear?

The Truth:

The Gift is real.

It usually appears in its selected messenger's home or workplace. When the messenger first notices this object, he finds himself compelled to touch it and to keep it with him at all times.

Special Properties:

Many and varied; nearly all of these abilities are to either preserve itself or protect its chosen messenger without any direct contact or being called upon. It is as if the Gift knows what's transpiring around it, perhaps via an empathic and/or telepathic connection with one or more of the people in the possession of the Gift. To say the Gift is in contact with those who possess it is somewhat incorrect. The Gift seems to be keenly aware of its entire surroundings and has been known to reach out to people who are not in direct contact with the Gift.

The Gift floats on water and is not damaged by moisture, humidity or being completely submerged in water. It can be held onto as a flotation device to float on the waves. Furthermore, the person clinging to the floating tome does not suffer the effects of exposure, and is resistant to cold, hunger and thirst (one third normal damage or effect).

Linked to Owner: When the chosen messenger first notices the Gift, he finds himself compelled to touch it and to keep it with him at all times. Many messengers simply mistake this attraction as simple appreciation and curiosity. Even if the two are seperated

Indestructible: The basic property about the Gift is that it is indestructible. That when tossed into a blazing fire it does not burn, and when removed from the fire, it remains unscathed and cool to the touch.

All attempts to cut it open will not even make an impression on its hide despite the fact that it is pliable to the touch; as though the more pressure one applies, the firmer the material resists. Even acids rolls off like water on a duck's back.

The Gift is said to be able to deflect bullets and lasers, part the fires of a raging inferno, and to have survived being sent to the bottom of an ocean, dropped into a volcano, and even launched into the heart of a blazing star. All in clear violation of physical laws, as though something gets in the way, keeping harm from the Gift.

According to some legends, the Gift can be destroyed, but like the Phoenix it magically reforms whole, intact, either at a new location or again appearing near its chosen messenger. Story after story recounts how just holding the Gift can protect the individual and those around him. There are tales of how the artifact has been used to deflect bullets and lasers, part the fires of a raging inferno so that the messenger could escape, and even envelop people within a force field filled with air to protect them from the vacuum of space until they could be rescued. All of this and more has been known to happen with nary a thought on the part of the person holding the Gift, suggesting the container is intelligent and chooses to help those in need. If there is a way to destroy the artifact, and legend says there is a way to do so, no one seems to know how.

Yet not only does the Gift survive, it somehow escapes its prison and reappears someplace where it is needed. While nobody knows how this mechanic works, what is known is that the Gift has the power to Teleport and Dimensional Teleport. As a result, when cast aside or locked away someplace, the artifact vanishes and either goes where it is required or returns to the side of its current messenger. There are many tales of the Gift being stolen, hidden and locked away, sometimes for centuries at a time. The truth is it has simply moved on or been quietly biding its time.

Clairvoyant Dreams: If the carrier of the Gift falls asleep in the same general area as the Gift, there is a likely chance that he or she has a dream or vision where Caspian tries to contact and encourage the messenger. The vision (entirely at the G.M.'s discretion) may regard something small and personal or deal with something of epic proportions. It may warn of a friend or loved one facing a dilemma or danger, or it could be about a king, hero, town, planet, etc., the character has never heard of before. Whichever it may be, the character knows he, she or it is in trouble (treachery, invasion, etc.) and needs his or the player group's help by delivering the Gift to where it needs to be. In the alternative, the vision may warn the character of some danger or problem he may soon have to face. The vision is not always a warning or something bad. It may offer insight to a personal dilemma, reveal the solution to a problem or concern, or foretell of better times or some joyous event. Caspian always tailors the dream that will best motivate and encourage the messenger, but always emphasizes the truth that delivering the Gift will affect the fates of billions. The Vision or dream may be direct and straightforward or symbolic and cryptic, and always concerns the people and matters close to the carrier. Caspian may contact the messenger regardless of distance, even through dimensions.

Healing: When the Gift is held over an injury or wound, it magically heals it, and restores 4D6 S.D.C./Hit Points. It can also instantly negate poison, resuscitate the heart and/or lungs to restore breathing and blood circulation, stop any internal bleeding, repair damage to internal organs, and heal 4D6+4 points of damage (S.D.C./Hit Point or M.D.C.). It will not, however, work on any other than the current messenger, and attempting to do so will only bring grief and frustration.

Immunity to Coercion: Legend states that the messenger can only part with the Gift of his own free will. A bit of exaggeration, but the Gift does have several abilities to make this more difficult. For one, the Gift establishes a link with its messenger and instills irrational feelings of responsibility and devotion in them. Even if the carrier believes the Gift to be cursed, he will feel a strange inexplicable need to protect the artifact at any cost. During the most trying times, the carrier will feel as if the Gift were an extension of himself or even as precious as a child is to a parent. Furthermore, the holder of the Gift cannot be possessed or mind controlled to turn over the Gift or otherwise forced to give it up. The character is also +6 to save vs Horror Factor and +2 to perception which activates only when the character is being intimidated or deceived into giving up the Gift.

Protection: When the Gift senses danger it can protect whomever is in possession of it. Protection may include one or all of the following: Makes the character(s) impervious to heat, cold, disease, and if it so chooses, smoke and fire (not applicable to magical fire), as well as impervious to the environment of outer space. Duration is situational, and as soon as the danger passes, the protection is over. Note: As a general rule, the Gift keeps any person who has it in his possession safe from harm (fire, heat, cold, disease, even pesky insects). This protection typically dosen't extend to the messenger's companions however.

Skill of the Moment: Depending on the situation, the Gift may temporarily or permanently instill a worthy recipient with a skill he does not normally possess. This is not something that happens

on a frequent basis, but during a crisis where its mission is at stake. The skill always relates to a problem at hand and the recipient of the knowledge immediately knows what he must do. Duration is situational, and typically as soon as the danger passes, the skill knowledge is gone. Only one skill is imparted at a time, and the skill always comes with a +30% skill bonus. Once forgotten, it is completely gone. The exception is usually a language skill or something similar when the holder needs to communicate with the people to whom the Gift is intended for.

Self-Teleportation: If separated from its chosen messenger, either removed or willingly given over to someone else, it magically reappears at their side or among their possessions when no one is looking, including appearing by the messenger's bedside table or even the pillow next to them while they are sleeping.

Preservation: The Gift effectively acts like a Time Capsule, as per the spell. Anything that Caspian places in the container is perfectly preserved and kept hidden from divining spells as well as x-rays. The equivalent of one minute passes for every year inside the capsule. When the container is closed, the magic he casts upon creates an energy field that takes the contents out of the normal time continuum. As long as the container remains unopened the magic remains in effect. The instant it is opened the preservation spell ends.

The Messenger

The Gift seems to seek out individuals who are willing to make sacrifices, suffer and even die for a greater cause. Thus, it is often a 90 pound weakling or scullery maid who transports the Gift rather than the self-appointed champion or warlord. That having been said, there are plenty of warriors and leaders who have the stuff of heroes and may also be selected.

When the Messenger has brought the Gift to the appropriate time and place, typically a hidden cult meeting place. Only the Messenger can open the Gift.


GMs should roll 1D6 or choose the appropriate contents.

1. The Gift contains the Word: selections of text from the Lathra, the holy book of the Kingdom. Typically these are sent to places where the Cult of Caspian either needs to be revived, or has yet to be established.

After its arrival, hundreds or thousands of copies will be made. The text is handwritten on a stack of fifty-six parchment sheets with a quill-like tool as the quality of the writing periodically deteriorates, as if the quill were wearing down, losing its sharpness; as though the author had to either cut a new one or trimmed afresh the one he/she was using. The writing on the first few pages starts off crisp and clear, gradually becomes rough and blurred, then abruptly becomes sharp and clear again. The sheets are composed of coarse reedy fiber, interwoven, pounded flat like ancient Egyptian papyrus, in close, fine handwriting on both sides of each sheet, with very narrow margins. Each sheet of the manuscript measures about ten by twelve inches, almost square. The ink appears to be no commercial brand of ink that would give the muddy, uneven darkness of the ink on the manuscript. The parchment shows only a hint of its age, a slight chestnut discoloration along its upper and lower edges.

2. The Gift contains a plain wooden crate full of books and microfiche slides - the book is a dictator kit: a guide to manipulating media and political processes. The central text, a multi-volume work titled The Plan: An Effective Man's Guide to Durable Leadership, is clearly written, brilliant, and cynical. Based on a chillingly analytical view of human social behavior, it provides a variety of ways of attaining political power, applicable to a variety of social systems. It includes hundreds of detailed case studies of political, economic, and military campaigns. The microfiche slides contain thousands of boilerplate posters, screenplays, articles, and other works designed for the aspiring dictator to customize and deploy in his rise to power. Also included are plans for electronic devices designed from the ground up for surveillance and recipes for psychoactive drugs. An educated, widely-traveled person looking over these materials will recognize some of them from his travels, and conclude that at least some of the techniques described in "The Plan" are actually in use by the autocratic rulers of various kingdoms and empires. None of the materials in the kit contain bylines, copyright dates, or any obvious clue to their origin. Analysis of the crate The Plan is shipped in reveals something quite chilling: The wood is from no known species of tree, and contains isotopes suggesting it was grown on a world in a distant part of the galaxy.

3. The Gift contains the Means: A viable Kaiju embryo. With the proper care, it may develop into adulthood. Kaiju are inherently uncontrollable, and those who take up the task of raising it to maturity may well see their homeland or even civilization destroyed by its hands.

Note: When the Gift is opened, and its contents removed, the Gift immediately loses all of its special properties and becomes an ordinary container. It even visibly loses its luster, like a castoff snakeskin. The Gift can be thought of as a one time use item, one that was created to change the fate of a single world or civilization, and then be discarded. Caspian can make as many of these as he desires.

What happens to the Messenger?

The Voice in the Dark:

The Messenger begins to hear a voice inside his head guiding him and giving advice. As strange as this might be, the voice is that of a friend, and there is nothing frightening about its manifestation. The voice is like a whisper, almost as if it were his own mind or conscience taking voice. It speaks as a caring mentor or friends, and offers ideas, observations, encouragement, advice, warnings and instruction that stimulate the formation of new ideas and reinforce positive thinking.

There are myths in which a few Messengers -- those with the truest, noblest and just souls -- are granted an infinite range of superpowers, from Supernatural Strength to invulnerability, to powers of flight or shapeshifting, to power over the elements or the ability to fire energy bolts from one's own fingertips, and much more. Sometimes the "gift of power" is modest, other times it rivals the powers of the gods -- essentially reborn as super being driven to right wrongs, destroy evil and protect the needs of the cult. The list of abilities goes on and on, as claim the Gift can instill a hero with psionic abilities or make them a spell-casting mage. Such a vast and varied range of abilities seems unlikely even from a great magic artifact, yet if the legends are to believed, such is the power of the force behind the Gift.