Power, Love Inducement

This ability stimulates the pleasure centers of the target and fixates that person's image in their mind to reinforce it. Thus he can increase the attraction of one person to another, causing the affected person to fall madly and devotedly in love with the uer (or another of his choice, with the user acting as 'Cupid'). The target person must make a normal save, but if failed, becomes infatuated with either the user or another. This does not affect sexual orientation or natural affiliations (will not turn someone to Necrophilia for instance unless they're already a Necrophiliac). This attraction can also be towards activities or motives. For instance a person can be bewitched toward skydiving for instance, or to self-preservation. Cost: 20 P.P.E will cause those subjected to this ability to develop a strong infatuation but will remain in control of themselves. 40 P.P.E will make them feel so much love for somebody that they have an intense desire to make them happy, becoming completely submissive to them. Victims will believe, trust, and defend anything the object of love says or does. They will obey any request from their lover, including murder or suicide (the latter two requires another saving throw). The controlled person will constantly stay at his side and will often suggest amorous pleasures. The lover will endure any hardship, insult and even physical harm as long she can be near the object of affection. The lover will follow user everywhere, but never tries to harm him or his friends/other lovers. The effect is usually instant, but in some cases it may slowly take effect the more the victim meets the user/another.