Monster, Venus Man Trap

The life essence of this supernatural monster is contained in the trunk and roots, represented by the Hit Points. Any attacks targeting areas of the plant other than the main body will not do Hit Point damage, regardless of the amount of damage dealt. It's possible for the player characters to think the Man Trap destroyed if they eliminate the S.D.C. of the mouth and vines, but if any life remains to the plant it will regrow its destroyed parts in a few weeks!

Alignment: Diabolic.

Attributes: I.Q. 2D6, M.E. 106, M.A. 1D6, P.S. 3D6+10 (supernatural), P.P. 4D6, P.E. not applicable, Speed none, rooted in place.

Size: Main body and mouth, 10 feet (3 m), tentacles 30 feet (9.1 m).

Weight: 1.5 tons.

Hit Points: 104x I0+60

S.D.C: Main body 100, mouth 150, vines 50 each (12 total).

P.P.E.: 2D4xl0

A.R.: 15

Average Life Span: Immortal! The creature feeds for pleasure, not sustenance. Only completely eliminating the Hit Points of the main body will destroy this flesh-eater.

Disposition: Carnivorous plant of supenaturaI origin.

Natural Abilities: Regenerate ID4x10 S.D.C./Hit Points every day. Regrow lost vines in 1-3 days. Grow a new mouth in 1-2 weeks.

Power Category: Super abilities.

Major Super Abilities: Control Others and Control Plants.

Minor Super Abilities: Energy Resistance.

Attacks per Melee: Ten! And maintaining a hold on creatures it has entangled in its vines or held in its mouth does not use up attacks.

Bonuses: +6 to strike, +4 to parry, +8 to entangle.

Damage: Vine slap 3D6 plus P.S., vine crush/squeeze ID4 plus P.S. Victims in the Man Trap's "jaws" must make a saving throw vs Poison of 12 each round or be paralyzed by the digestive enzymes, and the mouth can deliver 2D4+ I0 damage by crush/squeeze.