Alignment, Lawful Evil

Lawful evil is the morality of the noble villain, the sacrificial antihero, the visionary tyrant. It is an alignment too demanding for the selfish whims and instant gratification of less principled antagonists. Often players and GM's mistakenly think this alignment is the "kindly, gentler" evil. It is anything but. Someone who is lawful evil is only really noticed as evil after observing the big picture over a long period of time. Most people may think that the lawful evil person is just standoffish, maybe selfish, or even kind, but not evil. Lawful evil characters are often methodical, truthful, and idealistic. "The end justifies the means" is the creed of this alignment. Unlike Neutral evil characters, they can value things beyond immediate benefit and frequently work towards goals that don’t directly involve pleasure, wealth or power (though these may also be sought in themselves). Lawful evil characters may actually have admirable goals, but the means that they are willing to take are, more often than not, deplorable. Lawful evil characters are often better versed in the letter of the law than Good characters, and they stand ready to twist every phrase to suit their goals.

Those characters that follow the alignment pattern of lawful evil are domineering, cruel, and sadistic. They believe in the purity of order - order without mercy. All those who disobey are bound to suffer at the hands of judgment. Those who do not bow before the might of the system are destroyed. Although the goals of such characters are unified, the lawful evil group’s tyrannical dominion forces a single path toward that goal. Woe to those who do not follow the straight and narrow for no other alternative will be presented.

Although these individuals serve an evil cause and bow to a tyrannical fist, they are still creatures of Law. As such, they are more comfortable in a group environment, and band together out of necessity and natural instinct. Their groups tend to be very military very organized, and brutally efficient. When one leader dies, another rises from the chain of command, proves their physical or mental superiority, and seizes command of the organization.

Lawful evil characters believe that to further their own ends they must impose order onto others and dispose of by any means anything that threatens them or the order they impose. They may have the welfare of society or civilization superficially in mind, but their personal welfare always precedes that or anything else. To this end, the lawful evil character may covet high positions, recognizing that he who makes the law can alter it do as he pleases. Until then, lawful evil characters are willing to serve and are meticulous, as well as being often very cruel in their aims. Despite all of this, lawful evil characters aren't completely incapable of love, humility or other like emotions, although it is viewed as weakness. Weakness is dangerous in lawful evil societies, for if one shows weakness he will be disposed of in order to strengthen the group.

Lawful evil characters occasionally join mixed adventuring bands, but rarely for very long. Their constant demand for order and structure often overwhelms the goals of the party and they rebel and seize power if at all possible. Once the group is ‘properly maintained’ (i.e. completely organized and dominated), then the party can at last turn its attentions toward the final goal. To do so while the party is in chaos or uncontrolled by structure would, in the lawful evil’s mind, is dangerous, futile, and a complete waste of effort.

The cliché that there is "No honor among thieves." is false when dealing with the lawful evil character. This is a person who is driven to attain his goals through force, power, and intimidation. Yet the lawful evil person stands apart from the norm, with his own, personal code of ethics (although twisted ethics by the standards of good). He expects loyalty and respect from his minions, punishing disloyalty, disrespect and treachery with a swift, merciful death or whatever punishment he deems appropriate. An lawful evil person will always keep his word of honor and uphold any bargains. He will define his terms and live by them, whether anyone else likes it or not. The lawful evil character both respects laws and tries to find a way around them, or make them work for him.

They recognize the need for comrades and will help those that he considers allies, even at some personal risk and cost. Whoever a lawful evil character calls an ally can expect loyalty and aid, unless he fails to support the aims of the group or organization or proves himself unworthy of loyalty and aid. Woe to the person who betrays the group! The lawful evil character will not be forgiving and will seek to cause injury, exile or kill the offender, whatever is appropriate for their crime.

These individuals are far and few between because they live by a true code of honor, but not one of conventional morality. The lawful evil person may insist on not striking an unarmed foe or never act rudely toward his host, but may have no reservations about using torture as a means to get what he wants or needs, whoever his victim may be, or save someone's life just to turn around and kill them the next week because it serves his purposes better that way.

Examples include: Caspian, a majority of his Great Ones, and the Kingdom in General

Lawful evil Characters Will . . .

1. Always keep his word of honor (he is honorable).

2. May lie to and cheat those not worthy of his respect, but is more likely to distort the truth (misleading or half-truths) rather than to tell outright falsehood. Such characters value the truth as much as they value order.

3. May or may not kill an unarmed foe, but will do so without hesitation if necessary. May show mercy.

4. Not likely to kill an innocent, particularly a child, but may harm, kidnap.

5. Never kills for solely for pleasure, but may take pleasure if the act becomes necessary and won’t hesitate regardless.

6. Not resort to inhumane treatment of prisoners, but may torture as a necessary means of extracting information or to serve as an example to others.

7. May rarely torture for sheer pleasure those not worthy of his respect (never innocents), but is more likely to use it as an example to others or for extracting information.

8. May or may not help someone in need, but not likely without some ulterior motive (even if it's only to show-off), but honors all debts and attempts to repay them.

9. Work with others to attain his goals, even evil or good characters.

10. Respect honor, honesty and self-discipline.

11. Never betray a friend.

12. Respects the authority figures in his family and obeys their mandates.

13. Values lifelong commitment to a romantic partner.

14. Obeys all personal contracts.

15. Respects the laws and authority figures of the community and nation when they are in line with his own code. But will seek to undermine his community and nation for his own purpose, if profitable and legal, and the community and nation are seen as corrupt or “weak”.

16. Considers public service in a leadership role an honor and actively seeks such positions, and thoroughly uses all the powers in that position as he sees fit.

17. Supports the legal procedures of the nation, without regard to their own discomfort.

18. Seeks secure employment, believing hard work will pay off in the end.

19. Will betray law-breaking family members for personal gain. Will not betray family if loyal.

20. Will betray law-breaking friends if profitable. Will not betray loyal friends.

21. Will thoroughly exploit those under him in a power structure to get what he wants, negotiates with peers, and submits to those above his rank.

22. May kill others to get ahead, but mainly uses legal means to do so.

23. Uses any legal means necessary to evade justice, if caught.

24. Will use wealth and power to destroy his enemies, potential threats or obstacles to his goals, though indirectly if possible.

25. May allow a disarmed enemy to pick up his weapon

26. May allow the enemy to attack first

27. May allow the enemy to remove their dead/wounded from the field

28. Will certainly deliver the death blow to a helpless opponent, but may show mercy to an honorable opponent.

29. May desecrate an enemy's corpse or humiliate a captured enemy if it serves a greater purpose (sends a message, etc).

31. May gloat over a victory and is often arrogant when succeeding.

32. May report illegal actions to the authorities

33. May or may not take a bribe, but may throughly punish underlings caught doing so.

34. May taunt an enemy into fighting

35. May unjustly slay a prisoner or unarmed opponent who has yielded

36. Won’t falsely claim the 'bragging rights' that belong to another or outright lying.

37. Won’t flee a battle that's obviously going poorly

38. Won’t flee a fight with a superior opponent

39. Won’t flee a fight with an equal opponent

40. Won’t kill a host who has provided food or shelter

41. Won’t refuse a fair contest/challenge

42. Won’t walk away from a challenge