Servitor Race, Joy Light

His attention was suddenly drawn upward by color and movement that startled him. Dozens of phantom, fluid shapes filled the air high above the ballroom floor, and to his surprise, the spectral objects were greeted by a sustained round of enthusiastic applause. Holographic and brilliantly colored, glistening like an odd combination of gelatin and the aurora borealis, the huge, glistening, random forms writhed and danced in time to the ethereal music as they orbited the main, central chandelier. Organic in character, the shapes struck him as being alive -- and for a reason he could not pin down, he found himself uncomfortable in their presence.

“Those were the joy lights”, she smiled. “They appear anywhere people are gathered to enjoy life, to share in the moment.”

“Joy Lights?” he puzzled.

“That is what we have come to call them.”

“What do you mean by 'share in the moment'?” he asked, seeking confirmation of his own impressions. “You mean they're alive?”

“No one knows. They come and go in their own good time, and they always have. No man has ever laid a hand on one, and they never make a sound. They act as if alive, though, and everyone has always assumed they are.”

Joy Lights are faintly glowing coalescences of energy inhabited by a simple intelligence. They wander about areas of population to apparently satisfy curiosity or fulfill some unknown plan. Each is a translucent, ball-sized sphere of golden energy about 2 feet across that floats and shimmers in the air, giving off a warm glow. Emerging from the lower hemisphere of the globe are six to twelve tentacles. The only other feature is a pair of spots on the upper hemisphere that suggest eyes.

Being energy beings, they are intangible and immune to most modes of attack. Incorporeal creatures, Joy Lights take no notice of features such as doors, walls, and furniture, silently gliding from place to place on unknowable errands. They often pause to observe other creatures, tending to favor places where celebration and music is occurring. Unknown to many, their mere touch can steal a mortal’s life.

Joy Lights have rudimentary intelligence, and can speak telepathically to any person or creature it chooses within 2 meters (6 feet): only those it wants to speak to can "hear" its speech.

Joy Lights can squeeze through the smallest cracks, phase through most surfaces, can outrun most humans, and can see through thin barriers such as doors (though not thick walls or metal) and clothing (to look for concealed items, etc.).

Caspian has often used these minions as his ambassadors, sending them around the globe to better observe potential followers and minions. Nowadays they are his perfect spies, and occasionally assassins. Essentially they are lesser avatars, imbued with a little bit of intelligence and curiosity. It is only when something of interest comes along that he personally directs them.