What to Study for Anglo-Saxon Test

Post date: Aug 21, 2016 1:57:33 AM

What to review for our Anglo-Saxon era test:

Terms: Know what they mean, how they apply to reading selections, and be able to cite examples from the reading or in an excerpt provided. Some of these may come from the article you read about the Anglo-Saxons.





-elegy (elegiac)

-homily (homiletic)


Literary Works:

-Beowulf (tone, major plot points, themes, values represented, symbolism of events, etc.)

-“The Seafarer” (tone, focus of poem, ideas presented, symbolism, irony, etc.). I’ll provide the text of the poem for you to read again.

-A poem to read and answer questions about that we did NOT read in class.

-From the Giraud article about Beowulf, Anglo-Saxon poetry, and the Anglo-Saxons (characteristics of Beowulf and Anglo-Saxon values, characteristics of Anglo-Saxon poems)

Historical stuff:

-Roles of women during the Anglo-Saxon era (from centers)

-Aspects of the development of Old English and our language in general (from centers activity)

-Characteristics of Anglo-Saxon literature based on your observations and understanding


-33 0bjective questions (multiple choice)

-A bonus Anglo-Saxon riddle (3 bonus points added to multiple choice section)

-One discussion question over Beowulf and “The Seafarer”

***I've attached the article about Old English and women's roles in Anglo-Saxon society here.***