A.P. Lit. for the Week of January 13, 2020

Post date: Jan 13, 2020 1:8:35 AM

Here's quick look at the week ahead:

Vocabulary: We move on to Unit 2 in the Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop books. If you haven't bought a book and intend to so, please get one early this week. Our next vocabulary quiz is this Friday, and it will include review from the first unit, as will all future quizzes.

A Thousand Splendid Suns: We will wrap up the novel this week, focusing on the hero's journey and how it applies to characters in the novel.

Pride and Prejudice: The test over Pride and Prejudice is this Wednesday. It will be the same format as the assessment for A Thousand Splendid Suns, identification items and quotations.

We will begin activities related to Pride and Prejudice after Wednesday's test.

Poetry Tournament: We will begin our "poetry tournament" this week, analyzing and evaluating a variety of poems as we eliminate some from further contention and revisit others with further analysis when they have made it through the first round.

A.P. Classroom: Please be sure you have joined our class. The code is posted in the classroom, and I will remind everyone of it again in class.