Honors Brit. Lit. for Feb. 1-5
Post date: Jan 28, 2016 10:35:28 PM
Here's a quick overview of what we will be doing this week:
The Middle Ages:
Students began researching various topics related to the Middle Ages in Britain and Europe last week and will wrap up their research on Monday, with presentations beginning on Tuesday. Please be prepared to present at the time your class drew, as we will spread our presentations out over several days.
Beowulf essay drafts are due for peer editing on Tuesday. Please bring a FULL draft of your paper for peer review and feedback. Revisions are due by midnight on Sunday, Feb. 7 and should be submitted to www.turnitin.com.
We will begin reading the prologue to The Canterbury Tales in class and students will also be asked to read (at home) a brief essay about 1066 and The Norman Conquest.
Unit 4 Vocabulary:
We will complete the unit 4 vocabulary activities this week. Please follow our usual schedule for completing homework:
Monday--Choosing the Right Word
Tuesday--Synonyms and Antonyms
Wednesday--Completing the Sentence
Thursday--Study for Friday's vocabulary assessment
Here are links to Quizlet to help you learn this week's words: