American Dream Stations

Post date: Jan 13, 2017 8:50:26 PM

Here's the handout with links for what we were doing Friday and will finish Tuesday.

American Dream Stations

Directions: Now that we’ve defined the traditional concept of the American Dream, you and your peers are going to spend some time thinking about the American Dream and how it has evolved or been thought of differently over time by various people. Follow the specific directions for each station. Use your own paper to write your responses to these things. Number your paper for each station.

1) American Dream Images

View the images from the BBC site and pick three of them to write a few sentences about, explaining how they relate to the American Dream.

Marisol’s American Dream—Here a photojournalist chronicled an immigrant girl’s experiences for fifteen years.

a. View these images and read their captions.

b. What do you think Marisol’s dream of America was, referring to specific images from the slideshow.

c. Do you think she has made her dream a reality? Again, refer to specific images to explain your answer.

2) Two Songs about America

Lee Greenwood—“God Bless the USA”

Bruce Springsteen—“Born in the USA”

a. Listen to at least a little of each song, not really paying attention to the lyrics, and then describe the mood of each song, based on the musical style.

b. Read the lyrics for each song and summarize what each is saying (The Springsteen song tells more of a story than the Greenwood song). (Lyrics are attached below)

c. What is the theme (main idea that the writer wants us to take away) of each song? How do the themes differ from each other?

3) Poems by Lazarus and Whitman

a. Read “I Hear America Singing.” What aspects of America and Americans does Whitman emphasize in his poem? Quote lines from the poem to show what his emphasis is. How would you describe his tone?

b. Read “The New Colossus.” What is Lazarus’s attitude toward America? Cite a few specific words or phrases that demonstrate the tone of her poem.

(Attached below)

4) American Dream Political Cartoons

Study each picture carefully. Answer the following questions in complete sentences for each cartoon. (Attached below)

1. Is this a positive or negative depiction of the American Dream? Why or why not?

2. What is this picture trying to say?

3. How does this picture make you feel? Look at your list of tone words for possibilities.

5) Is the American Dream Alive or Dead?—Read the two articles and complete the task below.

1) As you read, define any unfamiliar words. Write the words and definitions on a separate sheet of paper.

2) Summarize each article in a paragraph for each, including what you think are the most important points from each. Do this on the same paper where you defined any unfamiliar words.

6) View the video from author John Green here: ***He talks fast—turn on closed captions if they aren’t already on.*** I would also recommend watching it twice—viewing it first and answering the questions the second time.

1) How does Green illustrate that the American Dream is still a possibility?

2) What does Green say about socioeconomic mobility today?

3) What does Green say about equality between men and women?

4) What is Green’s worry regarding U.S. innovation?

Follow-Up to American Dream Stations: Interview People from Two Generations


By Thursday, January 18 , interview four people—two from your own generation and two who are older than you. Ask them what they think the American Dream means.

In a brief paragraph for each person interviewed:

a. Identify him or her.

b. Tell his or her age.

c. Tell, in his or her words, what their concept of the American Dream is.

d. Do they think the American Dream is still attainable today? Why or why not?