Honors Brit. Lit. for October 5, 2015
Post date: Oct 02, 2015 7:13:29 PM
Here's an overview of the coming week:
***We will allow vocabulary to take a break for the next few weeks.***
Remember that ballads or 31st pilgrims are due on Monday, Oct. 5. Please print a copy to turn in. We will also share a few of these in class Monday.
Our major focus this week shifts to literature of the English Renaissance. We will continue to discuss meter in poetry and how to determine it. As we begin to read and analyze a variety of poems from the era, students will work together with peers to prepare a lesson for teaching a poem to the class.
We will also set up literature circles this week as we prepare to start reading and discussing the books you have chosen by next week.
Finally, we will introduce Hamlet this week and begin reading, discussing, analyzing, and viewing the play.