American Lit. for Nov. 13-17
Post date: Nov 13, 2017 1:43:43 AM
Here's what to expect this week in class:
Of Mice and Men: We will continue to read, analyze, discuss and write about Of Mice and Men this week, finishing the novel by mid-week and testing over it on Friday. We will also write a brief narrative based on a scene from Of Mice and Men, similar to a task you may be asked to do as part of the EOC.
EOCs: Speaking of Milestones EOC tests, we will take ours shortly after Thanksgiving break on Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, November 30 and December 1 and 2. We'll continue to do some test prep this week via USA Test Prep as well as other activities involving writing and looking at the state's models for what they consider effectively written constructed and extended response questions.
Reminder: Our vocabulary quiz over Of Mice and Men is on Tuesday of this week.