Falgue - Xana & Gice

Tumorous bipedal creatures and arguably the weakest of the palman created bio-monsters. Its horrifying appearance and rapid reproduction make the Xanafalgue one of the most feared by the general populace. These organisms attack by discharging bolts of electricity from their tentacled maws (some biologists have hypothesized that the constant, undulating motion of said appendages somehow builds up the charge.) While a single shock is usually sufficient to kill smaller prey, such as rodents, a healthy human adult can usually weather several blasts from the creature before finally succumbing.

Xanafalgues are spawned in great numbers by a larger biomonster, the Igglanova, via fission. It is not known if an Igglanova is the adult form of a Xanafalgue or if the Igglanova simply produces Xanafalgues as a defense mechanism.

Gicefalgue seem to be a mutated and venomous variant of the Xanafalgue characterized by its deep bluish color pattern. The cause of this mutation is unknown, but seems to be a natural evolutionary result of predation by local Palman wild life. Similarly Gicefalgue are produced by Guilenova

Bestiary Entry

"It is still unknown to me how the Xanafalgue produces the electrical discharge it uses as a defensive mechanism. From watching the creature fight I believe that the undulating of its tentacles is only part of the process as this alone does not account for the strength of the charge. I hypothesis that the large tumor on its back has something to do with the production as well as the direction of the electrical discharge. I entertain two theories at the moment. The bulbous feature on its back contains its brain which would suggest that the electrical discharge is a neurological defense response utilizing a somehow supercharged neuro-electrical pulse, or this appendage contains an organ devoted solely to the build up of this static ability. Its semi-intellectual actions would suggest the former to be true."

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