Entropic Corrosion

Must be Skilled in the use of Yin and Yang

Restriction - Must meet specific requirements:

Quest item or

Ex-servant of a dark force, or

Survived an attempt to be instantly killed by the famed "black energy wave' and survived the viral disease that goes by the same name"

Level - 8

Control Points: 32

Difficulty - Difficult

Use time: Standard Action

Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)

Target - 30 ft. radius centered on the target.

Duration: Instant

Saving throw: None

Entropic Corrosion calls down a massive fog of entropy onto the target creature affecting all creatures in a 30 ft. radius centered on the target. Entropic Corrosion deals 1d4 Twilight damage per level (maximum 12d4) per turn for 1d4+1 rounds.

Entropic Corrosion has a 5% chance of accidentally spawning a few Parasitic Cell Type D or Parasitic Gene: FLOW, if they spawn all items (and/or people)within the cloud must make a fortitude save or be infected, DC based on caster level of whoever created the Corrosion cloud.