Bio System's Lab - Zema, Motavia

Palman Bio-Mechanoid Parasites Mutation Template Database

The Genebank is Critically Damaged and unable to Provide Grafts at this time....

There are currently No Available Genetic Attributes to be used, this section is under construction.


Vial 01 - Manipulated Sequence Alpha "Feral Fire"

Vial 02 - Manipulated Sequence Beta "Aquatic Crafter"

Vial 03 - Manipulated Sequence Gamma

Vial 04 - Manipulated Sequence Delta

Vial 05 - Manipulated Sequence Epsilon

Vial 900 - Augment Sequence Sampi - Primary: Return Feat Slot


Vial HG - Organ Creation Sequence: Heppel Oil Gland


Vial 06 - Secondary Sequence Di-gamma "Arctic Survivor"

Vial 07 - Secondary Sequence Zeta

Vial 08 - Secondary Sequence Eta

Vial 09 - Secondary Sequence Theta

Vial 10 - Secondary Sequence Iota

Vial 11 - Secondary Sequence Kappa

Vial 12 - Secondary Sequence Lambda

Vial 13 - Secondary Sequence Mu

Vial 14 - Secondary Sequence Nu

Vial 15 - Secondary Sequence Xi

Vial 800 - Augment Sequence Omega - Secondary: Bonus Increase

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