Fluid history


9,999 BCE - 4,500 BCE,

4,499 BCE - 1,000 AD

1,001 AD - 1850 AD

1851 AD to 2006 AD

2007 C.E. - Changes in Earth Policy within United Nations

On Earth a quiet movement within the United Nations begins, backdoor dealings and bribes aplenty...

During this time on Qo'Nos the title of Klingon emperor is dissolved.

2009 C.E. - Earth Alliance Formation & Moon Base Built / Cardassian First Republic Formation

the United Nations declared itself a sovereign nation, with all of its previous members functioning as independent states countries resisted United Earth integration are forcefully annexed, A new age of medicine is heralded on Earth after Pyong Ko discovers the genetic sequence for inhibiting the growth of cancer cells, information from the farscape Incident improves United Earth Technology by decades, a colony on the Moon goes online.

On Cardassia the First Republic is established. It features an era of excellent literature such as the works of Iloja of Prim, who lived in exile on Vulcan.

2011 C.E. - Derelict Vessel Salvaged by Terran Humans / Suspiria leaves her mate

The Earth Alliance was formed when a derelict ship was found in the Sol system, the vessel was human in origin but its crew was multiracial. Xenophobic tendencies throughout the newly formed Earth Alliance is reduced when this comes to light, even though they have not encountered other lifeform on any empirical level, interactions during the farscape incident and studying the corpses on the ship however caused Medical technology to be improved greatly and genetic engineering based on alien genetic material begins to appear in short order but strictly controlled by a privately created corporation, shortly after numerous Terrans go missing, some eye witnesses report them just disappearing into thin air.

While jointly taking care for the Ocampa on their deserted homeworld in the Delta Quadrant, the Nacene Suspiria leaves her mate. She takes several hundred Ocampa with her, intending to develop their telepathic abilities to a greater extent than the male Caretaker was willing to do.

2012 C.E. - Millennium Gate Finished

On Earth, after eleven years of construction, the Millennium Gate is finally completed atop the former location of Portage Creek, Indiana. Covered in highly-reflective solar panels, the kilometer-high structure was built as a self-contained biosphere with its own ecosystem. It pioneered many new technologies and scientific principles which lead it to serve as a model for the first colony on Mars.

(Start of Player Character timelines)

10 / 2013 C.E. - Palma Reborn

The Gateway goes active again stranding numerous terrans and aliens on the unknown planet soukara is located on, a Kitsune Named Jorian Snow begins to convince people to stay in Soukara instead of exploring for others who left prior and getting themselves killed from the monsters that exist in the region, they begin to lay the groundwork for a resurrecting the fallen nation.

11 / 2013 C.E. - More news on the Derelict

Most of the scavenged Future Terran Ship was beyond repair and some technology beyond understanding, however the Impulse drive was scavenged successfully and improvements in vessel design, some hand weapons are reverse engineered and Terran geneticists began studying few corpses that remained intact, using the technical enhancements from their prize they begin deploying small outposts around the solar system pirate factions begin to form in the outer regions

12 / 2013 C.E. - I.R.V. Gladiator Recovered

Using a patched up Palman shuttle the Local population of Kyouringakure discover Wreckages throughout their home system, one of them being a Heavily Damaged D7 Battlecruiser-Retrofit, the vessel is returned to Orbit Algol 1 where they begin to make repairs and study Klingon and Romulan technology from the future, they also begin so make repairs and Equip the Vessel with replacement gear for what was lost using their own less advanced technology.

04 / 2014 C.E. - Borg attack?

Tavern Near the Gateway was attacked by Borg Drones under the Command of a Rogue Borg Queen, This Rogue Unit Disengaged from combat and hijacked the gateway as an escape route, Local Militiamen suspect this Borg Queen was under the control of a Goa'uld, due to Behavioral traits falling outside the norm for borg command units. The Tavern was heavily damaged and at least one person was nearly killed during the attack, the two escort drones were destroyed.

08 / 2014 C.E. - Telepipe System Recovered

A Squad of Genin were dispatched to the Great Desert north of Kyouringakure to investigate Ancient Palman Ruins that are apparently still partially active, Palman Telepipe Units are recovered and moved to kyouringakure, the pads on the other planets relocated into settlements on those worlds, the three worlds of algo begin to work together again for the first time in one thousand seven hundred and fifty five years.

12 / 2014 C.E. - Pirate Attack

A Pirate vessel built out of a Elachi Derelict is destroyed by imperium forces in orbit of Vandros IV.

01 / 2015 C.E. - Telepipe System Open for Civilian Use

Telepipes to Motavia and Dezoris are Reactivated for public use, Freeport Alpha is repaired and Opens its Docking Ports to Tourists and Diplomats. The existence of telepaths within the Imperium is confirmed by a scientific study. Feudal Mistress Alysandra authorizes the creation of the Palman Imperium Psi-Corps.Palman Scavengers begin hunting for Ancient Gate Components to build their own stargate on Freeport Alpha, which is just far enough away from palma to dial out without interference from the other gate. The thousand year orbit of Rykros is detected by Freeport Alpha, confirming many ancient legends.

03 / 2015 C.E. - Zombie Attack...

The Dragon's Tail Tavern found itself under attack by undead forces from the Negative energy plane, the Patrons were barely able to finish off the two that entered the structure, the remains of other undead litter the countryside as Imperial forces hunt and destroy the foul creatures.

07 / 2015 C.E. - Palman Imperium Begins to Manufacture Energy Weapons.

The Empire announces that they are now manufacturing Energy Weapons, the military are now being issued with them and soon civilian versions will be appearing on the open market for use on stations and starships, projectile weapons are still prefered on planetary surfaces for various reasons, inquiries by the media on location of their manufacturing have come up with no responses.

08 / 2015 C.E. - Tamriel Discovered

The Mede Dynasty signs the Palman Concordant of Reclamation bringing them back into the Palman Imperium after thousands of years of being separated from civilization, Talos worship is reinstated and a released statement is sent to lost territories providing them with documentation on their true origins, The thalmor have failed to respond, however the provinces of Blackmarsh and Elsweyr have withdrawn from the aldmeri dominion and are pending requests for ambassadors to be sent to Freeport Alpha.

01 / 2016 C.E. - Borg Progress

By 2016 the Borg had cataloged/assimilated Approximately 220 Species, but as of yet they have not assimilated/invented trans-warp technology.

05 / 2016 C.E. - The Hidden War

Various Sources of information begin to hint at a hidden war raging behind the scenes, a war spanning all of time itself, few people are even aware of it happening, even fewer are immune to the various effects, but what part will the Imperium play in all this; will it be a faction in this great time war or will it fade from memory as it was before.

Y = 2063

2018: The Dax symbiont is born on Trill.