Sacred Prostitute


Requirements to Enter Sacred Prostitute Prestige class:

The light of the full moon filled the temple chamber with soft, sensuous silver, punctuated by small braziers producing intoxicating smoke. Damio padded naked across the marble floor, her supple form glowed with a sheen of oil, much to the delight of the young man who stood in the doorway. “Welcome, seeker,” she purred. “Have you come to this temple of your own free will?” The man nodded shyly and shuffled into the chamber as she beckoned him inside.Her trained eyes quickly sized him up—he was young and ruggedly handsome, bearing a tattoo across his upper chest that marked him as a soldier in the Archduke’s growing army. His movement indicated his hesitation and slight embarrassment—she doubted this was more than his first or second time with anyone—and a newcomer to the temple.“Please make yourself comfortable,” said Damio, putting a pinch of incense on the brazier. He sat on the edge of the bed and looked about nervously. Damio slinked over and sat next to him, placing her hand on his thigh. “First time here, soldier?” Again, he only nodded in reply, too shy to say anything. “Well, don’t worry, you’re in capable hands,” caressing the bulge in the front of his pants.

The sacred prostitute is a being dedicated to offering her body as a blessed vessel and “temple” to those who wish to show their appreciation and respect to the all of the deities through the bliss of sexual congress. The sacred prostitute is not a common streetwalker or tavern whore—she is a devout worshiper who allows herself to become a sexual partner for any and all who enter the temples or seek her out in public. Some sects reject payment for these services, though most do accept donations—the sacred prostitute is allowed to keep a small amount for herself, while the remainder goes to the church’s coffers, which is then used for charitable acts and the building of grander temples to their deity. Not all requests for sex are granted, however, as the sacred prostitute must believe that the “client” is true in their desire to commune with their deity through the body of the sacred prostitute. Still, most sacred prostitutes are happy to oblige nearly any request, regardless of gender, race, preference, or creed. Sects of sacred prostitutes do exist, however, with their own very specific agendas, mixing their sexual services with a tangle of intrigue. Many sacred prostitutes glean a tremendous amount of information from the idle pillow talk that occurs before, during, and after their liaisons.In addition to the obvious benefits of having sex with a skilled, often beautiful partner, any clients that engage in sex with a sacred prostitute may find other bonuses, including being healed of debilitating effects, and damage. Sacred prostitutes are trained in a bewildering array of sexual techniques in order to please the tastes (however unusual) of those that seek them out. Because of their connection with the divine, sacred prostitutes enjoy an elevated status within the communities that they service. Sacred prostitutes arc typically affiliated with a particular shrine or temple and rarely venture out from its erotic confines. Still, others do travel the lands, offering themselves to strangers, commonly moving in small bands along with other classes that help protect the sacred prostitute from the predations of those that do not respect their divine task.

*Ability Scores: Charisma 16 or Higher

Trait: Sexually Open Society

*Diety: Cannot be Atheist

Skills: Diplomacy 18 ranks, Perform (sexual technique) 18 ranks, Profession (prostitute) 18 ranks

[Every month you service 12 or more clients, the rank requirement to enter this class reduces by 1 to a minimum of 8 Ranks]

[ Can be doubled up in a month eg. 24 clients for -2]

Special: Must be willing to engage in sexual acts when asked.(read description above)

Attributes: Wound Point Bonus: +0 Chakra Point Die: 1d10

The sacred prostitute’s class skills (& the key ability for each skill) are

Appraise (Int), Bluff (Cha), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha), Heal (Wis), Listen (Wis), Entertain (sexual technique) (Cha), Profession (Wis), Sense Motive (Wis),

Sleight of Hand (Dex), Spot (Wis), and Use Rope (Dex).

Skill Points At Each Additional Level: 2 + Intelligence Modifier

Aura of Sexual Ease [EX]:

At 1st level, a sacred prostitute radiates an aura that makes others feel more comfortable, especially in regards to sexual matters. The sacred prostitute adds her class level to all Bluff and Diplomacy checks that have a sexual component to them, including seductions, flirtation, and using sexuality to get her way.

Sexual Healing I [SU]:

Starting at 2nd level, a sacred prostitute’s sexual acts have beneficial effects on their partners. The subject must engage in sex for at least 20 minutes, requiring a separate Stamina check(fort). The sacred prostitute must make a Perform (sexual technique) (DC 15) check after the act. If successful, the subject is cured of any and all of the following adverse condi-tions: confused, dazed, dazzled, exhausted, fatigued, feebleminded, nauseated, sickened, and stunned.

In addition, the sacred prostitute’s partner is healed a number of ability damage equal to the sacred prostitutes Charisma modifier. This healing occurs to only one ability score at a time. A separate Perform (sex-ual technique) check must be made for a second Ability score. A sacred prostitute may use this ability with another sacred prostitute, though only one may gain the benefit of this effect.

Sexual Communion [SU]:

The primary role of a sacred prostitute is to act as a liaison between worshipers and their deity. While engaging in ritual sex with a person, a sacred prostitute can act as a conduit with their deity, granting bits of wisdom to the person they couple with. To use this ability, the sacred prostitute must engage in sex for at least 20 minutes, after which time she may cast divination, with the maximum chance of success (90%), eschewing material components. However, the divination must deal directly with the person that she is engaging in sex with and the question must be asked before the act of sex occurs. A sacred prostitute may not use this ability to determine her own future, although she may engage in sex with another sacred prostitute to glean information.

Sexual Healing II [SU]:

Sexual Healing II:

At 4th level, a sacred prostitutes healing ability becomes more powerful. This is as the sexual healing I ability listed above, but in addition, the act also dispels curses as if by remove curse. Sexual healing II also cures wounds as if by cure serious wounds, with the caster level equal to the sacred prostitute’s total level.

Restorative Sex [SU]:

At 5th level, once per day, the sacred prostitute may engage in sex with a spell-caster, restoring any spell slots that he may have used for that day. The sacred prostitute must make a Perform (sexual technique) check against a DC equal to 10 + the spellcaster’s class level. On a suc-cess, the spellcaster’s chakra is restored as if cure serious wounds affected the chakra pool instead of hitpoints.

The spellcaster must engage in sex for at least 20 minutes, requiring a separate Stamina check (fort) failure indicates that the restorative sex did not work and the spell-caster maintains the same Chakra level as before the sex act. A sacred prostitute may use this ability with another sacred prostitute, though only one may regain spells