Skill Traits

[ Cost 6 Traits]

[Acrobatics] Street Performer

Cost: -3 if a member of a race with a natural +2 or higher to Dexterity)

Acrobatics is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to acrobatics checks.

[Bluff] Fast Talker

You had a knack at getting yourself into trouble as a child, and as a result developed a silver tongue at an early age.

Bluff is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to bluff checks.

[Climb] Climbing Enthusiest

Climb is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to climb checks.

[Demolitions] Fireworks Enthusiest

Demolitions is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Demolition checks.

[Disable Device] Scavenger's Spawn

Disable Device is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Disable Device checks.

[Disguise] Agent's Hidden Heir

Disguise is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Disguise checks.

[Entertain] Street Entertainer

You are a virtuoso musician, actor, or storyteller.

Benefits: You gain a +1 misc modifier on checks with a single Perform skill (your choice), and all Perform skills are always character skills for you.

Your Maximum ranks with perform skills increases by 1.

This Trait can be taken multiple times, it's rank increase stacks but the misc. modifier must be applied to a different perform skill.

[Gamble] Gambler's Offspring

Gamble is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Gamble checks.

[Intimidate] Bully

You grew up in an environment where the meek were ignored and you often had to resort to threats or violence to be heard.

Intimidate is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Intimidate checks.

[Knowledge] Superior Student

Benefits: You gain a +1 misc modifier on checks with a single Knowledge skill (your choice), and all Knowledge skills are always character skills for you.

Your Maximum ranks with Knowledge skills increase by 1.

This Trait can be taken multiple times, it's rank increase stacks but the misc. modifier must be applied to a different Knowledge skill.

[Linguistics] Unintentional Linguist

Unintentional Linguist

-3 cost for Vux race and other races with advanced linguistics skill)

You can speak with aliens, outsiders and generally anything with a verbal language.

Linguistics is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Linguistics checks.

[Perception] Military Scout

Perception is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Perception checks.

[Pilot] Smuggler's Successor

Benefits: You gain a +1 misc modifier on checks with a single Pilot skill (your choice), and all pilot skills are always character skills for you.

Your Maximum ranks with pilot skills increase by 1.

This Trait can be taken multiple times, it's rank increase stacks but the misc. modifier must be applied to a different pilot skill.

[Ride] Nomad's Offspring

Benefits: You gain a +1 misc modifier on checks with a single ride skill (your choice), and all ride skills are always character skills for you.

Your Maximum ranks with ride skills increase by 1.

This Trait can be taken multiple times, it's rank increase stacks but the misc. modifier must be applied to a different ride skill.

[Sense Motive] Suspicious

You discovered at an early age that someone you trusted, perhaps an older sibling or a parent, had lied to you, and lied often, about something you had taken for granted, leaving you quick to question the claims of others.

Sense Motive is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Sense Motive checks.

[Sleight of Hand] Child of the Streets

Cost -3 if possessing the Terrain feat: Vagabond child)

You grew up on the streets of a large city, and as a result you have developed a knack for picking pockets and hiding small objects on your person.

Sleight of Hand is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Sleight of Hand checks.

[Stealth] Assassin's Heir

Stealth is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Stealth checks.

[Swim] Lifeguard Training

Swim is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to swim checks.

[Primal Arts] Primal Prodigy

Primal Arts is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Primal Art checks.

[Manipulative Arts] Manipulative Master

Manipulative Arts is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Manipulative Art checks.

[Ritual Arts] Rite Apprentice

Ritual Arts is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Ritual Art checks.

[{Energy} Control] Spiritual Acolyte

{Energy} Control is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to {Energy} Control] checks.

[Weapon Arts] Armorer Apprentice

Weapon Arts is now a character skill.

You gain +1 Rank limit and +1 Misc. modifier to Weapon Art checks.

Fly, Profession and Escape artist do not have Skill traits by system design.