Palman Bio-Mechanoid Parasites

Parasitic Cell Type D - The Egg of a Parasite native to Ragol, when allowed to parasitize onto certain items it will begin rearranging the item on the "photon" level, an Item's Name will change and they will gain new abilities as a result of the change.

Parasite Head Wear: De Rol

Parasite Arm Wear: Nelgal

Virus Armor:Lafuteri

Parasite Leg Wear:Vajulla

Parasitic Gene "Flow"

While it is not sure weather the Parasitic gene code-named "FLOW" is a created palman Entity or something that they discovered and modified, but it shows all the signs of palman Bio-engineering, this Gene will assimilate itself into any entity it comes in contact with, be it organic or non-organic, it will begin consuming the object at the "photon" level, this form of 'consumption' causes transfiguration of the object, it its known that all Dark Forces that are known to exist carry the 'Flow' gene and easily contaminate anything they come in contact with, the Parasitic Flow gene even has the ability to Reincarnate their hosts if they were effective enough in combat, each time they return even stronger then the last time they were defeated, in the past there was no other option but to bind them to a location so they could not contaminate the universe.

It's revealed that the hunters have been literally defeating Dark Falz and Olga Flow over and over, causing them to reincarnate stronger than before each time. This pattern would have gone on until they had eventually become powerful enough to break free of their respective bonds and leave the universe in a catastrophic state, however, due to a combined effort by their hosts: Heathcliff Flowen and Red Ring Rico, they manage to cause their respective predators to resonate and destroy their consciousness, causing the gene to malfunction and reincarnate them as one into a new entity known as Endu.

Three Items have been known to be Vulnerable to Flow Infection: Swords, Rifles (Snipers and Assault) and Rods/Quarterstaves Becoming the Feared weapons: Dark Flow (sword) Dark Meteor (Guns) and Dark Bridge (Rods)


X parasite - Metroid Series

Dark infection - SPAZ