Science Talent Trees

Jam Sensors


Scramble Sensors

AoE Confuse

Tachyon Beam

Drain Shields

Energy Siphon

Steal Power

Tractor Beam


Tractor Beam Repulsors

PBAoE Repel

Tyken's Rift

AoE Power Drain Hazard

Photonic Shockwave

PBAoE Damage, Repel, and Disable

Subspace Vortex

PBAoE Damage

Viral Matrix

Disable Multiple Subsystems

Destabilizing Resonance Beam

PBAoE Damage and resistance debuff

Charged Particle Burst

PBAoE Disable Cloak and Damage Shields

Feedback Pulse

Damages Attacker

Gravity Well

AoE Tractor and Kinetic Damage

Hazard Emitters

Large Hull Regen, Small Damage Resistance,

Hazard Debuff Cleanse

Science Team

Shield Repair, Science Skill Buff,

Science Debuff Cleanse

Transfer Shield Strength

Large Shield Regen and Small

Shield Damage Resistance Buff

Photonic Officer

Recharge Speed Summon

Mask Energy Signature

Stealth Buff

Polarize Hull

Large Damage Resistance and Tractor Beam Immunity