9999 BCE to 4500 BCE

8,740 B.C.E. - The Great Schism and the Great War [ First Shadow War ]

Atlantis (the city/not cityship) is destroyed on earth during this war, the great light taking pity on them she sent three agents to spare them, the end result being the lanteans the Kaern and the Merfolk. The darkforce had other plans and history needed to be maintained, he convinced some atlanteans to scavenge the Alisa III and build the noah, they becoming the Earthmen who invaded Algol in the past and the darkforce hijacked mother brain, the eventual cycle causing this event to take place even though it was hoping to prevent the entire thing from happening.

7,739 B.C.E. - Second Shadow War

The Founders establish a new homeworld in the Omarion Nebula to escape prejudice and persecution, eventually founding the Dominion.

7,600 B.C.E. - First Orb of the Prophets Discovered by the Bajorans

The first of the Orbs is discovered by the Bajorans in the sky above their planet.

Over the next ten millennia, a total of nine of these extraordinary objects are discovered, inspiring revelations that shape Bajoran religion.

6,747 B.C.E. - Third Shadow War

5,743 B.C.E. - Fourth Shadow War

4,794 B.C.E. - The Vedran Race Discovers Slipstream and begins to explore the local cluster. [Milky Way, Triangulum, Andromeda]

4,741 B.C.E. - Fifth Shadow War