Palman Imperium's Slave Authority


The massive building that stands before you is older then most of the building in the city, its ancient stone walls surrounded by pillars to hold up the large overhanging ceiling, eventually after

a slight amount of apprehension you pass through the intimidating glare of the shop’s facade. The interior is done up in a sharp, minimalist style, all polished wood floors and furniture done up in black painted metal, the decor in the Slave authority tends to be Red and Imperial Purple, omitting the military green from their color palette. All around the shop various Slave tools are on display

in cases, some are even illegal in this day and age, historical documents accompanying each one, dating when it was created and by who, when it came into mass use and in the case of some when and

why they became outlawed in later times.

When you approach the counter it takes a moment for two females to appear from out back “Hello!" one of them chimes 'we just Reopened and have nothing much to show you yet. In the future we hope to be able to present to you many fine acquisitions perfectly suited to increase efficiency in your spaceship, home or business environments.” She deliberately looks you up and down and grins coyly. “And if you do some acquiring of your own out there on the frontier, we can offer rates on freshly appropriated stock which put our rivals in other empires to shame.”

"Just to be clear on this,” you question. “By acquisitions, you do mean slaves correct?”

“we prefer the term 'Indentured servants' the other female corrects. “We pride ourselves on being specialist recruitment consultants, yes. We aim to find our stock positions that they are most well suited for and treat them with the utmost care whilst they are in our possession even if we need to occasionally and carefully adjust attitudes when necessary” A disgusted look crosses her face "some other empires that allow servants are extremely barbaric, most of them don't even have a bill of rights for dealing with Indentured servitude."

“so out of curiosity how do you... acquire them?”

“Repossession, mostly.... people over charge on their credit chits and end up not being able to support the debt incurred for example" She says with a grin on her face.

“And how do you get the rest of your stock?”

“From the outer rim” the other chimes in quickly. “Nobody misses pirates and newly discovered non-spacefaring races do not have the same rights as Imperium races, at least not before the government, some diplomat or whoever else signs them up to a bill of protection. They are also an exotic novelty collectors pay highly for.”

Types of Slavery:

Forced Labor — Describes all types of coerced work that an individual must provide against his or her will. Contemporary forced laborers are treated as property to be exploited commercially, much in the same way African Americans were regarded during the antebellum period in American history.

Bonded Labor or Debt Labor — Describes slavery in which an individual is compelled to work in order to repay a debt. It differs from other forms in that, oftentimes the laborer and the employer initially enter into a mutual agreement. Historically on earth, contract conditions may have been illegal and/or vastly more beneficial to the employer than the laborer. These workers become slaves when they continue working, but cannot pay off their initial debt because of exploitative contract terms and, thus, cannot leave. (Such contracts are illegal by palman law, A slave must be allowed to work off their debt fairly)

Sex Slavery — Describes women, men but not children (due to imperial regulations) that are exploited in the commercial sex industry, which may include: pornography, prostitution, erotic entertainment, strip clubs, online escort services, residential brothels, hostess clubs, fake massage parlors or any exchange of a sex act for something of value. Money may or may not be exchanged; other things that may be traded for sex acts are drugs, shelter, food or clothes.

Imperial Servitude — Describes slaves that are forced to work in workplaces belonging to the empire due to some crime they may have committed to it, they are usually enslaved to a house or specific noble or perhaps a shop within the city.

Regulations of Registration:

Internal Policies regarding the Registration and Discipline of Slaves within the Palman Imperium and all affiliated territories and vassal states.

1) The slave must be Registered with the Authority or the unlawful master be fined 1,000 ECUs due to breach of regulations

A) The slave must be wearing its collar at all times or receive a lashing, two lashings if they doth protest.

B) Format follows: **** Slave's name{Owner Abbreviation} ****

2) Slaves are protected under the Imperial law, they can approach Slave authority staff to safely report a master's breach of conduct.

3) The Empire ensures all registered slaves are protected under the law, allowing slaves to roam unattended without fear within city limits, and use carriages to move between holdings of the empire like the tavern, carriage drivers are required to keep track of the information of slave movements, in case of an attempted escape, they are not able to leave the empire's borders without their master however.

4) If a slave goes missing due to escape or Abduction the PI-SA will issue a bounty that can be collected by bounty hunters, government officials and civilian vigilantes.

5) Slaves do not possess the capability of owning structures, be its houses, apartments or land, they can however be assigned land to work, live on or run in their owner's stead, the property however is still registered under the master.

Reasons for Slavery Slave Conduct

Slave Economics Breaches and Punishments

* This guide is only to be used for roleplaying purposes and in no way endorses the slavery of real people, past, present or future.