
Base Level: 9th

Difficulty: Demanding

use time: Full action

range: Personal

target: Self

Duration: Up to 1 round per level of user.

Saving Throw: None

Phase allows the user to become completely insubstantial for a moment while insubstantial, the user uses thought to move. A phased sentient has an effective speed of 30 and may travel up, down or sideways as well as along the ground, this power is very difficult and usually takes decades to master.

a phased character is visible, but appears transparent, equipment on the sentient also becomes phased. the sentient can touch it but neither the equipment or the sentient can interact with the physical world. other lifeforms are not affected even if they are touching the sentient when this Nei is triggered.

Phased sentient may pass through solid barriers and are impervious to nearly all weapons or forms of damage, and are unable to take falling damage as gravity has no affect on them.

Cost: 8 control points per round.