Firearms Energy: Heavy

Name: Bazooka: Microsol's Inferno Cannon

Damage Critical Class Type Range Incr Magazine Size Weight Proc

?d? ?–?/x? Heavy Agony Phaser ft. ?? Cap Large 5 lb Stun & Burn

Microsol was able to construct an agony phaser weapon without requiring regenerating palladian,

though it had to be a heavy weapon, regardless androids and other strong races make good use of them, and

without the need to pay chakra to regenerate the casing.

Name: Bazooka: Palman Biolab's Belra Cannon

Damage Critical Class Type Range Incr Magazine Size Weight Proc

?d? ?–?/x? Heavy Organic Plasma ft. Chakra Drain Large 5 lb Plasma Burn

Created by Infecting one of Microsol's Inferno cannons with Parasitic Gene "Flow"

Requires additional Weapon feat; Parasitic Weapon Proficiency