
Profession (Int, Wis or Cha)

Trained Only

A character with this skill is trained in a livelihood or a professional role, such as cook, tour guide, shop owner, entertainer, miner, porter, dock worker, steward, structural

engineer and so forth. Profession is actually a number of separate skills, each relating to one such occupation and so a character may have several Profession skills, each with its own ranks and purchased as a separate skill.

Jobs come in three broad groups: The Profession Skill has to deal with the first two groups, Blue and White Collar professions

White collar professions, which are based on Intelligence.

Examples include: Information brokers, engineers, academics and doctors.

Blue collar professions, which are based on Wisdom.

Examples include: Shop owners, miners, dock workers and cooks.

The third group, not covered here is:

Pink collar Professions also known as the Entertain skill which are based on Charisma.

Examples include: Singers, musicians, actors and dancers.

Some Entertain checks, such as singing and acting, can be attempted untrained.

Economic Structure

300 ECUs per month minimum labor (unskilled clueless laborers,Unmodified by skills)


1 Scene per month to get paid

Maximum bonus:

4 Checks per month (1 Scene per week) (make checks after end or during scene when appropriate)

Monthly Earning addon:

1 Check per week per scene

1d20 + Employment Skill x5 = ECUs.

Employment Promotion Skill Relation (pay raise only comes into effect when actually promoted at the workplace)

New Employee - Ranks: 4 or less.

- just hired, Limited skill, No pay modifier.

Novice - Ranks: 5 - 12

- New to the job but have received a small amount of training.

Pay modifier +1 GP per month (100 ECUs)

Apprentice Ranks: 13 - 20

- formally trained for an extended period of time.

Pay modifier +1 GP,5 SP per month (150 ECUs, plus previous rank = 250 ECUs)

Journeyman Ranks: 21 - 28

- Solid Skill in their craft or profession.

Pay Modifier +2 GP,5 SP per month (250 ECUs, Plus Previous Ranks = 500 ECUs)

Expert Ranks: 29 - 36

- can work all or nearly all aspect of the job.

Pay Modifier +4 GP per month (400 ECUs, Plus Previous ranks = 900 ECUs)

Master Ranks: 37+ and higher.

Has mastered the Craft or profession, is likely in-charge of the store or second/third manager

Pay modifier +6 GP per month (600 ECUs, Plus Previous Ranks = 1500 ECUs)

(Stores may use different naming conventions for their ranks, this is just a generalized outline)