1851 AD to 2006 AD

1850 - 1870 C.E. - Vulcan space program Resumed

By this point, the Vulcans had rebuilt their society and resumed interstellar travel.

1863 C.E. - Skagarans Abduct Earthlings

A group of Humans are abducted from Western North America by the Skagarans, an alien species, which wants to enslave its captives. The Humans are brought to a M-class planet inside the Delphic Expanse where they soon overwhelm their oppressors and start to rebuild their society by founding a Western-like colony

1890 C.E. - El'Aurians Visit Earth

By this point El'aurians were visiting earth, for awhile Guinan takes up residence on Earth.

1900s C.E. - Vulcan / Andorian First Contact

First contact occurs between Vulcans and Andorians during the early 20th century. According to the Vulcans, it "seemed promising," "despite their heightened emotions." However, it was soon discovered that "they were duplicitous," wishing to only honor "agreements that didn't conflict with their interests.

1930s C.E. - Civil War!

A Civil war breaks out on the planet Xindus and Dilgar.

1940 C.E. - Noisy Humans

Numerous Alien Races begin monitoring their extremely noisy neighbour the Humans, The Ur-quan Kzer-za and a few others begin formulating plans to enslave earth

1986 C.E. - Transparent Aluminum Invented - Temporal Distortion detected.

Transparent aluminum is a scientific breakthrough of the era on earth, but the formula seemed to appear from thin air, those credited with the discovery state that an elderly scotsman provided the formula after figuring out how to use their computer, as the device did not possess voice recognition technology and he was attempting to provide the formula verbally to the machine.

1996 C.E. - Mars Life

Earth scientists from NASA find the first microscopic evidence of past life on Mars.

1999 C.E. - ISS built / Denobulans use Genetic Engineering

The International Space Station is completed and is an international effort between multiple nations.

The Denobulans start to use genetic engineering to "generally positive effect"

2000 C.E. - Millennium Gate Constructed

Humans build the Millennium Gate on Earth to celebrate the new millennium, but an attack on the World Trade Center in the United States follows the next year.

1999 - 2004 - Farscape Project/Incident

A general increase in human knowledge on various fields takes place.