Firearms Energy: Shotguns

Palman Manufacturers

Microsol(MS) - Focuses on Damage/Sacrifices Range

Gencore(GC) - Focuses on Range/Sacrifice Damage

University of Palma(USP) - (Balanced - projectile weapons) (More shots per Energy Cap - Energy Weapons)

Name: Proton Shot-rifle,GC-14719 Gencore's Crescent Shotgun

Damage Critical Class Type Range Incr Magazine Size Weight Proc

?d? ?–?/x? Rifle/Shotgun Proton (Bonus range)ft. ?? Cap Medium 5 lb Crescent Blast

SQ: Hitpoint leechThis Rifle has been adapted with Elachi technology, when it critical hits it will emit a massive Crescent shaped blast that will attack the target and adjacent squares (cone shaped attack), the gun also contains a chamber that absorbs stray energy every time the weapon fires, when this chamber is full if can emit a weaker crescent blast once per battle.

Once per combat the player can trigger a Crescent blast, even if the attack wasnt a critical hit.

Hitpoint Leech: On a successful use of Crescent blast (critical or Normal) gain 1d4 HP per damaged target, HP gained cannot

exceed total damage dealt.

Name: Kyourin Anbu Operations Division - Phaser Shotgun JK-002 Crimsonshot

Damage Critical Class Type Range Incr Magazine Size Weight Proc

?d? ?–?/x? Shotgun Agony Phaser ft. ?? Cap Medium 5 lb Stun & Burn

The Crimsonshot uses heavily overcharged phaser coils to function, as a result the weapon begins to damage its own casing,

as a result it needed to be constructed with regenerating Palladian, the downside to this manufacturing method is that the gun requires 1 point of chakra every time it fires, unlike a regular nadion weapon, or regular phaser that just stuns on critical, the Crimsonshot is classified as an Agony phaser, dealing damage over time similar to a plasma weapon when the victim is stunned.

Name: Polaron Shotgun MS-10012 Microsol's Final Impact

Damage Critical Class Type Range Incr Magazine Size Weight Proc

?d? ?–?/x? Shotgun Thoron Polaron ft. ?? Cap Medium 5 lb x2 shield damage,

Thoron Radiation Damage

"A legendary shotgun with tremendous power, critical hits deal extra damage to shields, and inflicts thoron radiation on its victim, making it a cruel weapon to use on organics, Mechanical lifeforms do not suffer ill-effect from thoron radiation

Name: Sonic Shotgun USP-1902 University of Palma's Sonic Shotgun

Damage Critical Class Type Range Incr Magazine Size Weight Proc

?d? ?–?/x? Shotgun Sonic+Antiproton ft. ?? Cap Medium 5 lb Augmented Critical

Extra damage against Tholians

Perhaps not the most creatively named weapon of the palman arsenal, it is perhaps the most deadly against tholians anyway.

Name: Kyourin Anbu Operations Division - Thoron Polaron Shotgun JK-006 Spread Needle

Damage Critical Class Type Range Incr Magazine Size Weight Proc

?d? ?–?/x? Shotgun Thoron Polaron ft. ?? Cap Medium 5 lb x2 shield damage,

Thoron Radiation Damage


SQ: *has SMG range

"A custom shotgun that shoots countless needles. Its special attack paralyzes enemies."

Name: Shotgun: Palman Biolab's Dark Meteor

Damage Critical Class Type Range Incr Magazine Size Weight Proc

?d? ?–?/x? Shotgun Organic Plasma ft. Chakra Drain Large 5 lb Plasma Burn

Created by Infecting one a JK-006 Spread Needle with Parasitic Gene "Flow"

Requires additional Weapon feat; Parasitic Weapon Proficiency