Rank Feats

ATTENTION: Rank feats are not Taken, and they do not use feat slots!, they are automatically aquired when the Promotion of the same name is given.

ATTENTION2: Tokubetsu and enlisted ranks can be skipped

Federation to Empire Rank Conversion list.

Crewman Third class

Crewman Second class

Crewman First class

Petty officer, first class; also known as "technician first class"

Petty officer, second class; also known as "specialist second class"

Petty officer, third class; also known as "yeoman third class"

[E7] Chief Petty Officer - Issō

Cadet - Akademī-sei

Ensign - Genin

Lieutenant - Chuunin

Lieutenant Cmdr - Elite Chuunin

Commander - Tokubetsu Jounin

Captain - Jounin

Commodore - Shinobigashira

Rear admiral - Tokubetsu Sannin

Admiral - Sannin

Fleet Admiral - Elite Sannin

CnC - Kage

Academy Students:

The academy students are generally youth between 18 and 21 years old.

They are the next generation of shinobi and treated as such. The academy period generally lasts 3 to 5 years, but some ninja—revered throughout the countries as

genius ninja—sometimes complete it more quickly.

  • it should be noted that Kyouringakure forces its military service at a much older age than in comparison to other countries who press youth into service at a much younger age.


A genin is the lowest of the official ninja ranks. Genins are part of the mission roster but generally assigned low-risk, local missions.


These shinobi lead 4-man genin cells.

Elite Chuunin:

These shinobi lead 4-man cells composed of Chuunin and the occasional exceptional genin.

Special Jounin:

A special jounin is a shinobi who gained jounin-level skill and proficiency in a single area of expertise. They are often used as platoon leaders and sent on high-risk missions.


The jounin is a first rate ninja and the primary attack force of any ninja villages. They are assigned high-risk missions, used as platoon leaders, as 4-man elite chuunin cell leaders or as genin team instructors.

Elite Jounin:

This honorary rank is used for jounin who are particularly powerful or skilled. It is not part of the chain of command, but other ninja tend to have greater respect of elite jounin, and they have tendency to incite fear in the enemy

Military Promotion: Genin

Prerequisite: Must know at least 4 techniques.

Benefit: Being a Genin grants a character automatically a “licensed” license in his Ninja village, and +1 bonus to any one of the following skills:

Chakra Control, Gather Information, Genjutsu, Hide, Investigate, Move Silently, Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu.

Alternatively, the character may chose one of the two following abilities in place of a skill bonus: Sense Chakra or Suppress Chakra.

Military Promotion: Chuunin

Prerequisite: Heroic character level 6, Genin, Must know at least 9 techniques or have executed more than 8 C-Rank missions, Cha 12.

Benefit: Being a Chuunin grants a character automatically a “restricted” license in his Ninja village, and +2 bonus to any one of the following skills:

Bluff, Chakra Control, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Gather Information, Genjutsu, Hide, Investigate, Knowledge (ninja lore), Move Silently, Ninjutsu, and Taijutsu.

Alternatively, the character may chose one of the following abilities in place of a skill bonus: Sense Chakra or Suppress Chakra

Military Promotion: Jounin

While making it a Chuunin is an achievement in itself, a sign of proficiency and skill even, achieving jounin is a sign of mastery. Jounins are exceptional fighters

who operate on a completely different level than their lower ranked counterparts.

Prerequisite: Heroic character level 12, Genin, Chuunin, Must know at least 17 techniques or have executed more than 20 B-Rank missions, Cha 13.

Benefit: Being a Jounin grants a character automatically a “military” license in his Ninja village, +2 bonus to any two of the following skills:

Balance, Bluff, Chakra Control, Demolition, Diplomacy, Disable Device, Disguise, Gather Information, Genjutsu, Hide, Investigate, Knowledge (ninja lore),

Move Silently, Ninjutsu, Search, Sleight of Hand, Survival, Taijutsu and Tumble.

Alternatively, the character may chose one (or both) of the following abilities in place of one (or both) skill bonus: Sense Chakra or Suppress Chakra.

First Contact Protocol [Regular feat, requires slot]

You have been trained in and authorized for First Contact Protocol, allowing you to encounter and meet alien species so far unknown to the Imperium.

Prerequisite: Must be a Fleet officer having attained at least the rank of Special Jounin, or otherwise authorized for First Contact Protocol.


You may communicate with any sentient being,even if you cannot speak its language. You may only use two-word sentences, with no word having more than

one syllable. This is, of course, a very basic form of communication. However, you can usually utilize it to make meaningful, if brief, contact with previously unknown alien

species. First Contact Protocol may be used over a communications link, but it requires video contact as well as audio. In addition, you gain a +4 competence bonus to all

Sense Motive and Diplomacy checks made while using this feat.

Special: An officer in the Fleet cannot rise above the rank of Jounin without having first gained this feat.